Finally got to show my boyfriend the awesomeness that is The Fountain. I wonder at how many times I've blogged and will blog about this film. Guess we'll see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. As well as these which have photos and/or quotes or topics from the film here and here. This, however, does not include the many posts I made about this film while I still had a myspace. I know I spoke of it often. It has been probably over a year since the last time I watched the film and I realized how much that film is ingrained in my mind, the little things that make me think of it all the time and even unconsciously without being fully aware. I love how much it makes me cry, how much it causes my heart to race, how much it gives me goosebumps, how much it takes my breath away, how much it makes me want that kind of love...

I have shown this film to a few people, and although they each had significance to me to an obvious fact that I wanted to share the film, showing it to the special one has meant the absolute most to me. I knew he would appreciate it and see all the things about it that I cherish, and he did.
"You do. You will."
"Together we will live forever."
"Every shadow no matter how deep is threatened by morning light."
"Death is the Road to Awe."
"Everything's alright."
"Finish it."
"Finish it."
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