I'm currently drafting a paper for my philosophy of art class of which we are supposed to pick some work of art that you love [any type, songs, paintings, film, etc.] and explain and describe it as much as possible and then identify what it is that you love about it. It's a hard pick for me, I have many pieces that I love, but I decided to go with one of my absolute favorite artists, Alex Grey. So of the hundreds, if not thousand paintings he has, I decided to pick "Dying." [Which, if you have been following this blog, have already seen before]. I am not, by any means, saying this piece is my favorite. But it holds a lot of symbolism and other such meanings that will allow me to write a lot about, easily. This paper has to be about 4 to 5 pages at length, I'll probably just post it whenever I'm done. Another option I thought to write about, but decided it would be too much work was the film The Fountain. But anyways I wanted to point out that I finally found the name to the spiraling pattern in which Alex Grey tends to paint,
tube torus, usually when represented with the
seed of life. I feel like I've accomplished so much! For I have tried to replicate this pattern in one of my
paintings in high school and it's impossible to find a tool to do so. I ended up projecting an image of his work onto my canvas and just tracing it. I miss high school and being technical about art and all the supplies to make it possible. *sigh*

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