It's amazing the things that people can do to one another.
Relationships. People can destroy you. People can make you feel divine. It's amazing that people still do it. Are you really happier to be loved than not. A lot of my views on love and relationships have changed, and not necessarily by experience but more so by observation. I like to consider myself a watcher...I learn fairly easily from others and don't feel the need to experience everything for myself. You may not agree, but obviously we are just different people. I crave love, I want someone to love me unconditionally for everything that I am. You know how amazing of a skill that is for a human being to have. I'm not sure, anymore, if I've witnessed such an act. My mother may be an example, but that's a whole different story. We all deserve to be happy. But I'm just not sure what it is that will make me happy. Love, that's what I used to think. Maybe that's not it. But that is definitely something I won't know til I experience it myself. I do know that love stories/films/songs are my favorite kind. Nothing touches my heart more. Nothing makes me cry like a baby more. Nothing makes me feel lonely more. Despite that, in a way, it's probably the best feelings I have. I see the world differently, as I am now. I have more creative thoughts and plans. Like they say, there would be no art if there were no tragedy. Tragedy is beautiful.
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