First of all, I just got done spoiling myself with some pieces of awesomeness from Bookmans. I controlled myself and my time there so I didn't get nearly as much as I would of liked and hardly looked at the movies anyways. I did get myself one of my favorite board games, Whoonu. Plenty of fun playing that game especially now that I've figured a way to play it with just two people...good date game. The books I bought were interesting and I'm excited. The quantity of unread books that I own is infinitely increasing. Added to that bunch now is the Human Evolution Coloring Book

I want to strongly emphasize that there are truly a lot of things that I want to blog about. I've just been having plans with people so I'm usually in a rush, as I actually am now. This is also due in part that I sleep in so late now. I'm working on it. Not to mention I'm still drafting my lover list.
I've been using subtitles with film and television more now than I ever have in my life. It's kind of taking away from my ability to hear it.
I definitely don't need to express this to those that know me, so this is for the loyal readers all over the world that don't know me in person. I talk with my hands. Hardcore. I can't not talk with them. I value everything that is included with spoken communication that I utilize all of it with great intensity. In fact my cousin's new girlfriend recently commented on how expressive my eyebrows are. It's pretty funny, but completely true. I actually always find myself using those muscles of my face constantly that I have to consciously try to tone it down. It happens a lot when I'm very interested in something, my eyebrows raise and stay there. So this happens always when I'm intently listening to people and when I watch movies. To take this another step further, I'm also recently realizing the intensity of my gaze when conversing with people. Once I'm to that point that I can handle extended moments of eye contact with the particular person, I probably look like I'm burning into their soul with my eyes or something. I can feel it sometimes, it happens a lot when I drink too. Intensity is awesome. However, I realize this could create a misunderstanding with some of the people I talk too. They may mistake that for my being romantically interested in them. Which isn't always the case.
We take mountains for granted. Visually. Yes, they bore me sometimes but in certain moods and with certain backdrops I really appreciate them. They are beautiful sediments of time.
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