I slept very well last night, woke up before noon and am thoroughly surprised. I did have a dream right before I woke up that was a little interesting. I was outside in front of my house helping my dad with some major furniture rearranging/cleaning/constructing, I'm not really sure which. He was getting angry at me about something, so I was a little frantic. While this is going on there's a large group of people that are doing routine walks on my street continuously around the block. The odd thing about this group of people is that they were all carrying fishing poles. Not just poles, but poles with hooks attached to them. And for whatever reason whenever they were walking past my house, they always got in my way or my dog Roxy kept running around them. At the end of my seemingly short dream, these people are walking past yet again and I see from the distance that Roxy has one of her ears caught on the hook from someone's fishing pole. The 2 women that were walking together and were hooked to Roxy didn't even have a clue it was happening. I was furious. I went running towards the group and I'm screaming for them to stop but no one really takes notice. Finally I get over to the women and just as approach my dog, Roxy is no longer Roxy, but she is
Sparky. I huddled over him and tried to release the hook from his ear. As this was happening I slowly woke up.
I still have dreams about Sparky. However, Roxy has finally been making an appearance in them lately. Which reminds me that I have never blogged about how I came about to owning my dog Roxy. That's a story for another blog, it's a really good one.
I am going to blog more, perhaps later today, I just wanted to get the dream out.
An awesome guy I know as well as a new Alchemy reader gets an honorable mention as he told me about this absolutely stunning photograph. Not only is the photograph amazing, the efforts to take it are,
read it.
I wish I could lose myself in the world of this photograph.
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