I also recently subscribed to another blog, Geek Press, and although I haven't had time to really check it out there was an awesome post today: 100 best first lines from novels. Hellll yes.
I'm releasing some more alchemy that should hold me off for other posts. The awesome thing about this blog is every single time I write this stuff out about myself, I gain even more random information about my self. It's a positive feedback kind of thing.
- The sky easily makes me cry.
- My neck and waist/hips are major erogenous zones for me.
- I've never tried cigarettes or drugs in my life.
- I get easily bored visually by people. But not easily bored of people, at least not awesome people.
- I'm contradictory in most aspects of my life, interests, personality, etc. Pretty Scorpionic.
- I love dictionaries, including digital ones.
- I twiddle with my hair a great deal. And I thought having dreads would reduce it. I take pleasure in the the silky feeling of hair between my finger tips. I'm actually pretty fidgety with my hands and usually always have to be doing something with them. However the obsession with silky feeling stems from my childhood. I was one of those kids that sucked on their thumbs a lot, and til I was older. I really couldn't tell you the age when I stopped but I know it was later than most kids. But while I did this I always either had a satin ribbon or a sating trim of my blanket in my hands and I just caressed it with my free hand unconsciously. Needless to say, I still do this, but with my hair. Minus the thumb sucking of course.
- Cityscapes and city lights take my breath away.
- There's a ton of songs that I really would like on the playlist here but are not available.
- I love when certain songs literally turn me on.
- I love word play but some things just really annoy me. Such as companies that are trying to have "hip" names, and so on.
- I often sleep in some position involving my hands on my breast in some way.
- I hate dancing in front of people.
- I can listen to the same song over and over for several days to several weeks at a time.
- I really want to go pedal boating at Tempe Town Lake during sunset.
- My most profound thoughts often happen in 3 major scenarios. First, when I'm attempting to go to sleep. While I am driving, and when conversing with intelligent people.
- I'm in a constant war with myself in my mind. I have stereotypes that enter my mind instantaneous and then bash them down just as quickly.
- I realized a reason why I have peace in my life. The silence I get to endure whenever I choose to.
- As I get older, this whole non-existent gray area of the Scorpio I am becomes more and more prominent. There is a do and don't with most things in my life. I do and don't trust people. I do and don't like being woken up...et cetera.
- People are my drugs.
- I like more female singers now in my life than I ever have.
- I completely idealize love and over-rationalize it all at the same time.
- My mind is so much stronger than my body.
- I hate art critique. And I am enough of my own critic.
- To add to my extremist nature and sanity...everyday I balance the complete equality between my idealist/fantastical mind desires and expectations and my complete logical and rational knowledge.
- I hate girls with sloppy hair do's.
- Why should I be punished to not have a facebook? Really.
- Something I absolutely love about moviescapes is that characters can shut off the rest of the world, or the viewer can when experiencing the film from the character's eyes.
- I find it incredibly interesting that in a large majority of film and television shows that show sex scenes between a man and a woman always have a girl that talks a lot during sex. It baffles me! It's not like dirty talk either, but annoying talk or even making conversation. The high volume of this representation makes me curious if this is what's going on in the world. I can't relate.
- I have this odd and annoying obsession with staring at my hands and nails. It's quite astonishing how my very hands, the things that have been attached to me since birth can still retain my attention with equal intensity regardless of the number of days that go by.
- People fascinate me far too much that it's nearly impossible to study for classes around them.
- As much as I absolutely love animals, I'm often weird about getting their hair on my clothing.
- I absolutely love sexual tension.
- I love the word "attractive."
- I have a love for depressing music and a distaste for most happy music.
- I say the word "breakfast" like "breffast."
- It is impossible for me to see/hear the word "Niagara" and not think "Viagra." I find the combination of the two mildly amusing.
- There are a lot of things I understand well but have a very hard time explaining them. Generally technical things like electronics and math.
- My mind is incredibly fast. Uncontrollably and unnoticeably fast. The worst question to ever ask me is "What are you thinking about?" I never have an answer for such nonsense! The truth is, I've thought of about 6.34 million things between the last thing said and when the question came up. The slow realization of this fact and wise words from others made me realize another connection. I drink and eat whatever is in front of me at a very rapid pace, everything I do is in a quick fashion. Thus this reveals the pace of my mind. My mind jumps literally everywhere in such an incredibly short duration of time that I'm sometimes unable or even unwilling to reveal the train of thought that led me to say whatever it is I said. And it's definitely guaranteed that sex pops up in there at some point.

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