I originally came on here to add more to my list of wants from a lover. This list is incredibly short at the moment, only because I've actually spent very minimal amount of time online in the last couple of days. But the mental list is quite long...longer than I'll ever realize.
Oh, well, I did want to say something about Taylor Swift. First of all, I sympathize with her completely with the whole Kanye West disaster and officially have no positive thoughts towards that man. However, I don't quite understand the hype of Taylor. Also, she's all over beauty products and clothing lines on television commercials now. I, do not, whatsoever find the girl attractive. I don't even think she's unattractive. But she looks like a fucking child to me. Annnd, she's super skinny [hence, adding that child-like quality] which I'm just not a fan of. I really don't like, no, I'm not attracted to skinny people. Very very rarely I am, but it's generally quite a turn off. I prefer the meat on the bones. Oh I love the double meaning there, attraction and scientific. Awesome. Oh..bones.
So, that thought hasn't resurfaced yet, and quite honestly it might of only been just about Taylor Swift and I thought it was something more interesting. But no...sorry to disappoint.

Allllright, I'll make this post and your visit worth it. I'm feeling the need to spill. So here it goes, I've officially been on a dating website for a month now. It kind of became a-not-so-bad snowball effect of how I got there. For starters, my cousin met his girlfriend on the site. Second, upon my break up, I've really reached out to my friends and externalized this immense and a long time desire of mine to date women. So after a suggestion and other factors, I'm here. This road has been interesting and although there's a "Journal" aspect of the dating site, I have yet to use it. I've actually repressed my urge to mention any of it on here for, obviously, awhile. But it's time, and instead of using that journal aspect which could be read by the abundance of complete stranger douchebags, I will share here. Yes, there's probably even more douchebags that visit this very blog, but according to Google Analytics, they hardly spend over 15 seconds on my site. So I think it's pretty safe. And this blog is still anonymous with just the minor exception of the handful of close and trusted people I have released this blog to. Anyways, I will actually suggest to people, especially those with major specifics and difficulties finding a type of person to enroll themselves in a dating site. I did always laugh at them, but really, I just don't care. The world has changed so much and there are certain situations I'd most gladly skip. For instance, I desperately do not want to meet women at bars. I could do that any time I wish, but I choose not to. No bars, and definitely no gay bars. I'm not in the gay scene and most girls hardly can tell I like women. It's a bitch, I tell ya. So, that's why the site is at my utilization. And quite frankly, it seems to be working.
I do want to discuss the amusements I've had with the site.
A large majority of users are Leos and Geminis with a very small handful of Scorpios. I find this very interesting.
People's profiles can be a very accurate reflection of their idiocy and vexatious nature. And there's just as many of those as there are anywhere else.
People harass me just as much and more as they do in real life. I forgot what myspace brought me: harassment by strange men and countless invitations to threesomes. Unfortunate for them, I'm uninterested in both.
However, I received some sort of award from this site for being in the top half of their most attractive users. Yeah, that's how much activity I get on my page. The funniest thing about this, is they told me since I'm that attractive, that I will now get to see other more attractive people/matches. Soo...I guess if you're unattractive they withhold the attractive users from you. God, it's so ridiculous.
The messages are the worst. They are definitely amusing, but also the most annoying. I rarely have the intentions of replying to 98-99% of them. In fact I've only initiated one message out of the blue by my own will, and with that person I have a date. I'm thoroughly excited, but back to the bad stuff. The messages range from people, of both sexes, introducing themselves and basically selling themselves to me. Here I am reading this in utter amusement thinking "I don't even care!! What is going on here??!" I'm actually in a severe state of confusion with a side of laughter. I requested, no, recommended that people who were interested in messaging me to say something genuine/original with good grammar and spelling otherwise I won't waste my time. Unfortunately people usually don't get to the bottom of your profile. There is one more bad thing and one good thing I would like to say about the messages I've received. The bad, well, it still enhances the fact that I'm glad and still continue to not have a social network site profile. I realized the last I ever mentioned facebook on here, I had a slight inclination to getting a facebook with time. But I have neglected to mention the current conversations I have with the people in my life. I still don't want one, and increasingly feel strongly against it. I really do. I don't think I could ever do justice of explaining exactly what it is and the quality of the annoyances I feel about people online. Even having a twitter annoys me. But why do I have it? Well it keeps me updated on various bands and important happenings of the world. It's just organized and limited to only the news I care to hear about. Honestly, the real life people I know and follow are the ones that annoy me on the site. All they do is complain and I really don't want to hear it. Otherwise I'd ask. Yes, I'm concerned about those in my life, but I'd really like to hear more about the things that make you happy and not those things that constantly bring you down and thus bring me down. I don't need that, you don't need that. I'm actually planning on deleting it soon anyways.
The good thing though, is the reinforcement of the awesomeness of my writing style. My little profile page had very little information and expanded somewhat while I was in a careless sarcastic mood. It seemed to reach out to people because I'm constantly getting messages about how wonderful it is and that these people actually feel like they're learning something about me whereas they don't experience that otherwise. There are also thousands of questions you can answer on the site. They are multiple choice and also have a space for you to write explanations. When I first signed up, I went straight for the questions. They were addicting and also time consuming but distracted me from some of the more depressing but helpless things in my life at the time. I wrote an explanation for at least 500 of those questions. Now, apparently very rarely people fill in that blank space. I obviously didn't know that because I was concerned about expressing myself before even exploring the site. I don't regret it, it shows readers more of who I am and thus far people have enjoyed it very much. So I'm glad.
I'm rambling, so back to drafting my list.
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