I want to first describe the lesbian sexual dream I had recently as I had hinted here. I generally don't share personal dreams such as this with the public and especially sexual ones, but I am doing so because it's interesting as well as was my night prior to the dream. That night involved me hanging out at my regular bar [which isn't so regular anymore] and I somehow got pulled into a conversation with 4 other people. One of the girls in the group, who is about 12 years my senior, had never masturbated. I was thrilled to be pulled into this conversation because her friends wanted and outside opinion and help. I was thrilled because, as I have mentioned here, that I want to meet someone like this. For the twenty or so minutes of conversation, or more so interrogation on my part, I had this urge to really help this lady. I felt like she was missing out on a lot, and I don't just mean masturbation really but pleasure and quite possibly orgasm. In the heart of my questioning, it resulted in the realization that I don't think she has ever experienced one, mind you she was sexually active with men. I really wanted to help her, to figure out the root of this. I told her she was beautiful and deserves to experience wonderful things.
Well the last two sentences sum up my dream. My boyfriend and I were in some random town that almost seemed more like a village or some place in Europe with its brick laden roads. We lived there apparently and found some random girl and took her to our [or his?] place. He was sitting on a bed or a chair just chilling and talking while her and I were sitting on the floor. She was wearing a dress and was laying down with her hips arched in the air and legs over her head. I was pleasuring her with both my hands and my mouth. The feeling of all this was so vivid and so real. The most interesting thing about this actually is the fact that I could actually taste her in my dream. I don't recall ever remembering the sense of taste being apparent in my dreams. And of all things, that! Ha. Not to mention my boyfriend is still sitting near us, just chilling. It wasn't a voyeuristic watching or anything of the sort either, he was just kind of there...chilling. Heh, it's the best way I can describe it. In actuality, I wasn't particularly aroused or even attracted to the girl but merely had the desire to give her something she's never felt before, utter pleasure. I did that alright. It didn't last to long as the pleasure was to intense she stopped me and the dream continued or possibly ended there. I'm unsure because I do remember a separate part where just my boyfriend and I are wondering around the town.
As I mentioned with the sense of taste, the same goes for the sense of smell in my dreams. I have mentioned smell in two dreams I've had of Sparky and I believe those were the only times I've noticed that, at least that stand out.
The other dream I want to discuss which is relevant to the title of this post. I had the dream this morning and I was far too distracted to actually sit down and remember much of the dream but I want to write this down anyways. Me and several other people whom I do not know in real life were in this dream, it was a slightly hectic setting/situation. All I really remember was that this girl, a friend of mine that I was helping out, was with some guy and something was going on. She ended up giving him some sort of ultimatum [the word was actually used in my dream] to have sex with her basically. I see her just after the fact and she's pregnant...like, fucking 4 to 5 months pregnant by size! So it became some interesting ordeal and a lot going on that I can't even begin to remember and describe.
What can I say? I really wanted an excuse to use the word in a post....
....and a couple creepy photos.

The photo search actually lead me to an interesting site. It is an academic view of how fashion intersects politics, economics, gender, race, & pop culture. The link takes you to the fine arts category of the site. It's actually really fucking cool.
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