Anyways! This is my photo journal of the happenings of Pride 2010. These are a majority of the photos I took [I posted the most interesting ones]. Most of them were only taken during the parade and not the fest itself. You may notice a trend of my obsession with the rainbow flags [I just really need to go buy one] as well as I was very interested and even amused with the various companies that supported Pride. So here the fun begins!
Here's me and my awesome shirt [not driving yet, by the way].
The ladies.
Here is the group of parents and friends that support gays [click to enlarge and read their signs]. All three of us had our own separate emotional moment during this particular part of the parade. For me, I was standing in the middle of Arizona heat and as soon as I saw them walking I instantly get mad goosebumps all over my body. I'm tearing up and smiling like no other. My friend next to me gets my attention and says that she's about to cry, both of us facing each other with tears in our eyes. As soon as she says that, our other friend who is standing in front of us turns around to look at us as she is wiping tears from her eyes. Wow. It was incredible.
Of course, leave it to me to take pictures of the sky. I love watching balloons float up to the sun. It was a beautiful sight.
Barney!?! Should have known...
Barely got a shot of the Cracker Jack mascot.
Chester!! Nom nom nom
This was another major highlight of the parade. Zombies doing the Thriller dance! Ha! It was freaking awesome and probably the best and most appropriate dance for zombies ever.
When I see water, I know I have to get away. No wet hearing aids for me!
The girls, after they got squirted. Ha.
It was interesting, there were a lot of different church groups that walked the parade. Most of which got the most unenthusiastic and quietest applause of the rest. It really amused me nonetheless.
Unfortunately, we left the parade toward the end to get some hydration [chips for me since Chester made me hungry] and missed all the guys in the bondage. I could see them from the store but couldn't get any pictures. Damn.
My friend and I decided to check out the adult art section. These are the only pictures of the festival that I actually took. It all ends with cock.
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