These are a few photos that capture the love of last night. The three of us make up the Scorpio Trio of DOOM. I could say that a million times, I just love it. But I also love how these photos really capture the glow that has been going about me lately. A glow that even my own mom [whom I rarely see] noticed without me having to say a word. She immediately and confidently knew I was happy. I'm happy for three intertwined reasons. First of all, my friends are still continuing to put a big smile on my face day after day. It's a great feeling. They are definitely the family I choose. Second, a loyal reader of this blog has said many, very many, kind words to me that have also continued to put a smile on my face. It is absolutely amazing how a stranger can affect you as well as be affected. Thank you, I have read the email several times. That leads me to the next point, yes, I am involved with someone. He is ultimately causing a majority of the glow as well. I don't write about him so much because he does know the existence of this blog. Generally I won't write a whole lot about others that I'm involved with if they read this because essentially I would rather be the one to tell them these things personally instead of through here. As well as I like to respect people's privacy. But, I'm going to break that for two reasons. First of all, I feel the world deserves to know about him as well as this part of my life. As the sentiments passed to me from the loyal reader stated that I should not censor my thoughts here and just let them flow. Secondly, I've noticed, at least that I'm aware of, the special someone has only read the blog once. So! I have not felt this way in a long time nor had I liked anyone this much in a long time. It says a lo

t if I have said on numerous occasions that I do not have the desire for a relationship and I completely and easily shunt that aside for this man. It's obvious that I'm ready and that I feel he is worth my time. My closest friend as well as the loyal reader both feel that I deserve a lot, respect, goodness and a whole lot of it. The friend in the picture with me feels that no one will ever be good enough for me. That's a big statement. And he's probably right. I do have very good and high hopes for this guy. I can never speak right when I talk about him and I'm giddy like no other. I am still cautious, although I don't doubt his good heart and intentions, I notice that I always get blind sighted and think that everyone I'm interested in is a really good person. I had just saved this blog so I could work on it later, and it's later and I realized something new to a further extreme. I am already boggled by the way in which I met him and how well things have fallen into place. But furthermore, my entire putting off relationships has lead me to him. Had I never done that, I probably would of never met him. That's intense. And if it is not already apparent, I am very glad to have met him. My female friend in the picture has been saying and noticing a lot about me since I have met him. She continues to point out the glow and that I can't talk right and all that. She met him last night and really likes him which is a really big deal to me. My friends, as from what I have been saying, are a big part of my life and I would hate for my significant other and my friends to not be able to get along. She noticed that we light up the space around us and we have an obvious genuine connection. As well as his intense stare and constant smile when around me. She said it's ingrained on her brain the look on his face when he first saw me last night, she said it was a look like he

won the lottery. Needless to say, my face probably looks quite similar today.
I feel like he will allow me to grow so much whereas others in past relationships have done quite the opposite for me. I have this glimpse of happiness, true sharing, fun adventures, active and involving lifestyles, personal and relationship growth and discoveries, real bonding, and so much more. All of which I want. My heart is racing, I really have never felt this way. And so soon! He is such an amazing person, so beautiful inside and out. I feel like finally, I just may have found someone that can be what I deserve and who actually desires to be so. It's truly amazing. So intense, how I feel right now. I have not explicitly mentioned here before, but I have always been astounded by couples. I love to watch them and how they interact and everything else. I feel like I've never had what they have and I'm not even talking about love. Something far more simple than that. Bonding, true bonding and realness as a couple. I may have been attached and wrapped around previous lovers, but to be one with them, never. I honestly don't even know how, that's why couples astound me so much. And there has been plenty of times where I have felt that I could never get there. But now, I do have hope, and a lot of it.
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