So after seeing Star Trek again and just thinking, I've realized a large difference between English and Australian accents. Of course there's a difference, but the one I'm going to discuss is probably something you have not paid close attention to. When English and Australian actors play roles of American individuals, reading their lips give away wholly different things. Most English actors speaking in American accents have some sort of twitch that I can easily notice in their lip movement. It is something distracting as well as fascinating, both of which I've grown accustomed to. Australian actors speaking in American accents, on the other hand, have no detectable twitch or oddity to give them away. Hence, why finding out later on that certain individuals are Australian are usually of surprise to me. Eric Bana, I will say is an exception, his mouth moves "weird" in whatever accent he so happens to speak. Still finding he was Australian was of a surprise to me anyways. His mouth is definitely fascinating. I'm sure this all can sound kind of funny or dirty, but I'm saying this in all seriousness. The way in which people communication in every shape and form is within their own styles. People who don't have to try harder to understand others don't really notice these things. I can spend weeks watching and studying just one person communicate before fully growing comfortable and accustomed to their ways, their style. To discover their habits, predictability, many facial expressions, bodily gestures, emotions in the eyes, and so on. I find it very beautiful, like art. Language
is art.
I'll have to say that a lot of people that I know and don't, hold great interests to me in the way in which they communicate. I could write the lengths of essays to describe the beauty and fascination they hold. Spock, or Zachary Quinto, has a very interesting face and mouth. I wish I could hang out with him just to watch him speak. I mean that in a non-stalkerish way, of course. It's just an example of my interest and appreciation for such things. I almost feel inspired to write stories of these people whom I know and don't of their communicative styles, almost like poetry. I think I will.
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