Today my coworker informed me of these two websites, mylifeisavarge and fmylife which both lead to the discovery of mylifeisg these are all pretty funny and entertaining in a good addicting fashion. When you have the time, check these out, you'll enjoy it. I promise. Now I just gotta think of some things I could write in.
This morning, half awake in between dreams most likely a dream about Heroes, I cuddled with Sparky with this thought in my head that he has some super powers and so do I. I can't recall what the powers were, but I gotta say that my half awake thoughts in between dreams are the uttermost craziest thoughts I ever have. They are only an extension of my dreams into waking life and make complete sense but absolutely no sense when I'm fully awake. It's fucking amusing! And just flat out fascinating. Ah, I love the mind.
You know what else I love? Heroes. Last night's little marathon had me talking at the TV more than usual. First of all, every time Nathan Petrelli does something that pisses me off I yell and call him a douchebag. Sometimes I don't even yell but regardless I do say it out loud. So it pisses me off enough to say 'douchebag' out loud to myself, alone in a dark room. Heh. The heat of the closing of the season is really provoking me. I'm so addicted. And I love it.
I don't know if I've said this here before, but at least most of my friends know that if I were to chose a super power I would chose to read minds. Now, I know what you're thinking, I'll hate people and blah blah blah. I'm acutely aware of this fact, but refuse to change my mind. This isn't really the purpose of this paragraph, but more so another recent connection I have made. I have always been obsessed with this idea of mind reading as far back as I can remember. You're gonna find this confession rather funny, but I have to write it. I went to the same elementary school that is walking distance from my home from kindergarten to eighth grade. Now, as you can assume, I was there with many other students whom were mostly there for all those years as well. So I grew up and was surrounded with most of the same people for quite some time. Every time a new student was in my class I was always very fascinated with them and usually wanted to make some impression on them whether it actually involved me doing anything or not. However, I had this odd but persistent idea that they could read my mind. Usually I would think that until their 'newness' faded. Come to think of it, I think I only did it with other new boys and not the girls. I also usually, without reason, liked the new kid. Man, I was strange, and am strange. I don't do that with new students anymore, since in college it's pretty difficult but I still do that in other happenings. Some which I prefer not to describe quite yet. Anyways, as much as it will kill me to read the minds of others, I wouldn't quite want anything else half as much.
Not to mention that I also wish that others could read my mind. I was thinking more about it today and I think the reasoning behind that is that I want someone to know even my deepest thoughts but still love me, for me. So the hopeless romantic is still there somewhere. How nice.

Later tonight I'm going to the dollar or 2 or 3 dollar theater to see Star Trek again. I've been wanting to see it a second time since I first saw it and grown interested in Zachary Quinto and Spock. This should be fun.
I hope you particularly enjoyed the flow of this post.
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