
Photo Fest: Mad Men 50's Cocktail Party

Just this last May, my best friend threw this awesome party as I've mentioned here and teased here. She was breaking in her new home, and we all love themed party [and who doesn't love Mad Men?!]. This party involved classic drinks from the era, cigars, and delicious food. All the decor was relevant to the time and everyone was required to dress accordingly. Here's the photos!

We'll start with my little process of getting ready, 50's make up style:

And now to the party:

She decided to put little lights in her shirt. Bright nips, ha!
Can you see the secret image?

The host.

The host wanted to get a picture of my ass. Warning: Objects are larger than they appear.

Husband of the host [I'm also known as the "Second Wife"].

You gotta love men dressed like this.

The lovely bar cart.

Mother and Daughters.

He likes to be creepy in his photos, so we decided to take turns.

I believe they voted me to be the creepiest.
Apparently I told them to think about my ass to inspire them to smile for the photo.

I just think this is funny.

This photo makes me laugh out loud every time!
Women's Meeting and Tequila.
I've mastered that art.
The toilet wouldn't shut up.
...cream puff...

The host took of her stockings and tied them around her spouses.

Creeper Mom.

Messing around with the bitters and drinks.
They ended up creating a drink for me that involved all the alcohol and a bunch of green olives. Yes, I drank it all.

Bonding over bitters.

The end.

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