
Photo Fest: Renaissance Festival

In March, my friends and I went to the Renaissance Festival and spent the whole day there. I had a really great time and forgot how awesome it is. Particularly the people there that I fit in so well with. There was an adorable dreaded girl who worked at the chainmail jewelry shop, we talked about dreadlocks and that I'm perfect for this environment. She also hinted at some really interesting things that go on at the camps during the night after they have closed up.
All glittered up and ready to go.
The cool tree man.
I took this as a joke to a friend who will see this, and hopefully laugh.
One of my best friends and her new henna art.


More friends and henna.

The crew.
Axe throwing.

Knife throwing.

Waiting for my henna to dry.


The cool band for the belly dancers.

My friend had dance classes with one of the dancers, she was pretty damn good.

Love these masks.

Another photo to capture an inside joke.

The Dead Bob Show.


Corsets and nuts!!


Bananas and nuts!!!!!

This was a really awesome band that played percussion and bagpipes. Tartanic.

More henna photos.

Oh silly mountain.

Great views on the way home.

I love the sun in my eyes.

This looks blissful.

After removal.

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