
Attached by the Hip

To see a puppy in your dream, symbolizes your playfulness and carefree nature. It also refers to a blossoming friendship. If you are taking care of a puppy, then it means that you are reliable and trustworthy. Others can depend on you, especially during difficult times.

I dreamt of a little white wirey haired puppy who never wanted to leave my side. He was really cool, cute, and smart. But if I left him, it wasn't so easy.

To see or ride a school bus in your dream, suggests that you are about to venture on an important life journey needed for your own personal growth.

There was another lesbianish aspect too. A girl and I were off and away from school event thing and were playfully walking around a school bus. There were hints of sexual acts but I don't think I actually dreamt of any of them. If I remember correctly, she was another blonde.

This is interesting that my dreams of today and yesterday, both involve girls that like me, that I'm trying to be at least diplomatic with them. And none of them look familiar and they're all blonde. Why this trend? It definitely doesn't represent anything going on in my waking life. Not to mention, I'm the more dominant one in all these interactions with these females. Big surprise.

1 comment:

Whittles Wobble said...

I went blonde on Saturday. Sexy ESP, perhaps?