
“It Is Books That Are A Key To The Wide World; If You Can't Do Anything Else, Read All That You Can.”

-Jane Hamilton

Just gorgeous!!

I have been so busy drafting posts lately that are yet to be ready to publish. So excuse some of my silence for I really want to get those up. My mind is still rolling on its wheels, I'm still in high gear. My life is getting really interesting too, I realized I haven't really talked about my personal life a whole lot in the last 4 months. I'll have to change that, but there's only so much I feel comfortable discussing here. I never discussed my last break up, other dating experiences that kind of went wrong, and my current situation.

In other news, my book collection is growing to a ridiculous number. I say ridiculous only because I'm running out of shelf space. Lack of physical space aside, I absolutely love owning books. I have a hard time borrowing books because I prefer to have them for myself. I always eventually buy my own. For instance, the Millennium Trilogy that I'm currently reading actually belong to my dad, but I'm going to try to see if he will let me have them. I just acquired this really awesome book from this really awesome person, Wicked Plants. It is about all the dangerous/deadly/poisonous plants around the world. It even discusses cocaine plants, opium poppy, tobacco, marijuana, peyote cactus, etc. I'm really excited to read it. Right now I'm actually simultaneously reading The Girl Who Played With Fire, starting The Science of Kissing, and finishing up Bad Behavior. So much to read...it's bad that more than half the books I own I haven't even read yet. And it's only growing.

I have a passion for people that have a passion for books.

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