Furthermore, I mentioned awhile back that I wanted to further discuss the actress Swedish actress Noomi Rapace who played Lisbeth. You absolutely must read this article encompassing an interview she did with NPR, where she describes her experiences in enveloping herself into a character for a year. It is absolutely astonishing, and one of the first things I ever heard about her which ultimately pushed me to see the film. And they were completely worth all my time and continue to be so.
It is utterly amazing how much she delved into this character, and how she just as much purged it from her. The fictional character, in the novels, is so complex and so unique down to the minuscule details. Noomi Rapace couldn't of been a more perfect pick to portray Lisbeth in the films. Once I read further into the first novel when they explained the physicality and outwardly expressions [or lack thereof] I was completely blown away by the high accuracy depicted in the films. It's ridiculously incredible.
To continue my dedication to Noomi, I want to say, as my friend first told me, that she has what we call a classic beauty. She can pull off literally any look. She can get away with it, and still look absolutely beautiful. If you Google her, you will see the different looks she has and how well they suit her nonetheless.
Here's my tribute:
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