The other day I had another dream, and not a very pleasant one. Details are not going to be a concern at the moment but basically it was of a big car crash/pile up. I was actually not involved, entirely. I was on a several lane highway/freeway with a steady amount of traffic. I was on the far left lane and apparently often get out of my car while it's still going and run past a certain part and then jump into my car. This wasn't some dangerous thing I did for fun, it had a designated and very necessary purpose, however I have no idea what that was. As I was doing it, my car took off across all the lanes to the right side and crashed into a sign. But my car did not affect anything or anyone, it was oddly smooth. But just after that happens an entire accident occurs and the young guy who was driving behind me one lane over [who I might of known somewhat] crashed too. It was very messy, horrible. No one died but everyone was bloody, yet able to walk. I was so utterly concerned for all these people. Again, my car did not cause this whatsoever, it was an entirely separate incident. There was some sort of shelter/rest stop cabin place just off the side of the road where we all went to while waiting for cops or some sort of help. It was full of random people and the handful of people that were injured. No one else seem to care about the injured and it was frustrating me to no end. And I was trying to help them, and find that one guy. Two of my friends came to visit me there for whatever reason. They were just talking about some random crap and didn't even seem to notice that an accident happened. And finally after I couldn't take anymore I just interrupted their conversation with a scream along the lines of "There was a horrible accident!! People are hurt!!" This was oddly realistic in the sense that I rarely show my anger. It takes a lot, and when it does come out, it explodes in a brief scream. This has happened to me at least in 2 occurrences that I can recall. Both of which family was involved. So I've rarely acted this way around non-family members.
I have so much more to post but I've been working on job applications. So, til the next time!
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