To start off, I want to personally thank all my readers, whether you are friends or strangers. I don't care who you are, but it means a lot to me if you take the time out of your day/week/month/whatever to read this. Through that I have done my job affecting your life and possibly opening your mind to the little things about the world around you and most importantly, yourself. Although this blog is mostly for me, this post is all for you. I really don't know how to further convey my appreciation other than to continue the existence of this blog.

Four additional hilarious websites to add to the list:
Wedinator: funny or just fucked up wedding photos.
Poorly Dressed People: Questionable fashion.
There, I Fixed It: funny fix ups [that I feel everyone can relate to].
My Food Looks Funny: when playing with your food is so right.

This food costume is so amazing that I'm am incredibly close to considering doing the same thing. Heh, that could be totally sexual too. Very nice!
At work the other day my coworker and I were discussing the phrase you often hear about finishing up your food because there are starving kids in "insert place here." She had a friend tell her to drink up because there are sober kids in China. I tried to make a spin on it using the subject of sex. I blurted out that you better start having sex because there are virgins in the Vatican. Yeah, that ended up working quite nicely.
It's not that I always physically crave things. I mostly always mentally crave things. Yeah, it's pretty much always a mental thing. I have excellent bodily control which of course stems from the power of my mind. Self-control, well it's a very interesting thing, tied in with addictions. If I want to have self-control even if it is with one of my most favorite things, I can still maintain the control. But if I decide to turn it off it will be way off. Addictions, I cannot say I have them, I can easily stop anything if I wanted to. I'm mostly thinking about addictions to things you can consume. If I were to think about Internet addictions, like blogging and all that...I could stop if I had a good enough reason to. Which can be extended to everything else. Control is very important to me and I know that ever since I was a child I have gradually lost respect for individuals who lack control, hence addictions. Sex is a interesting one for me. I had a saved draft on this blog from February last year that was never posted. So this will be the moment of more self-disclosure:
Once I have access to sex and all that comes with it, I become addicted to it. Always unsatisfied. I think about it constantly and crave it constantly. By access I mean when I'm with someone, some people could say that you have access to it all the time, but those are not my standards in this case. When I don't have access to sex, aka I'm single, I'm pretty much fine without it. I could go a long time without sex. Yes I'll think about it quite a bit, but I physically don't crave it like a madman. I'm quite sane in the matter, well I'm generally sane anyways, but you catch my drift. I'm a selective nympho. Awesome. Not to mention it is difficult to transition out of not having that access to cleaning yourself of a drug, except I don't relapse but I probably could if given the chance...depending on the situation of course. I'm a monogamous whore. Ha.
I must further add to the subject of relapse, well it's not the weakness, it is still control. To have sex with someone is a choice. So I would conclude that relapse is not the accurate word at all. Like I said, it's amazing how much you learn in a year. I find all this even more interesting because I've read in multiple places that Scorpios can be known for going to periods of celibacy. I definitely have been there. At first I would say, "Not by choice" but that would be incorrect, because really, I could fuck nearly anyone but I definitely chose not to. So I guess it is by choice. Being the extremist Scorpio, I go through both. Sane celibate to monogamous whore. It's completely fucking true.

I realized how much interested in texture when it comes to art that I am. I realized how much original art matters to me over prints. I absolutely love seeing the texture and I find it incredibly hard to not want to touch art. I notice that I caress my own paintings pretty much every time I see them. I can't not touch things. I know you may be thinking, "Well what about your self-control?" Exactly, I do have it, but I chose not to use it. I turn it off and I touch a lot of objects. In art galleries, I will only touch the art that I am allowed to touch. Touching people is a very different thing. The self-control is there, but for unique sets of reasons. I have a very large desire to touch people and I mean this in every way possible, sexual, affectionate, sensual, completely non-sexual, curiosity, closeness, connection, love, empathy, assurance. Touch is beyond incredibly important to me. Fuck, you don't even know the half of it! Hell, I don't even know all of it. I'm still discovering the science behind touch with me. I don't want this to sound like some sort of egotistical claim, but I do truly feel that my ordeal, seriousness, thoughts, and awareness of touching are more in depth and persistent than the general public. Yes, my whole in-tuneness with my body and not taking the senses for granted are part of it, but there is a great deal more. I will mention some of it but not all of it. Obviously, I love touching people and I absolutely love being touched by people. The simplest of touches are always noticed by me from people I know to strangers as well. Touches from strangers are particularly interesting especially when they are meant in some sort of polite/affectionate/good intentional way. I want to say that I'm not used to touch therefore it stands out to me, but I'm not really sure if that's true or the case. Most of my friends and I are quite affectionate, so it is there. But then again there isn't a whole lot of that in my home and I'm not always with my friends so I guess I would conclude that currently touching is not of the foremost occurrences in my life. However, just as much as I pay attention to others touching me, I do just the same for when I touch others, in fact, even more thought and attention is put into it. A lot of why I restrain my touch is because of it's intensity. It can very much be taken the wrong way and easily so. I have a lot of love to give and I tend to show that through my hands. Because I feel I have to restrain myself, as an all or nothing Scorpio by nature, I end up just not touching people at all or doing so very lazily [by my standards]. Not only am I worried of being too intense, I'm worried about making people feel uncomfortable or invading their bubble. I understand this because I hate being uncomfortable and there are many situations in which I have been uncomfortable by touch. I, by no means, ever want to make someone else feel that, therefore it goes back to me not touching at all. I guess I would also add that others' touch can make me uncomfortable because of how much I highly regard and interpret touch. And to be completely honest, I still restrain myself when it comes to touching some of my closest friends. Part of it I understand and part of it I don't. For the most part I'm preoccupied with the fact that I don't want to make them uncomfortable. But then with certain people, in my mind, I know that wouldn't be the issue so it makes me wonder that I may have my own personal issue in development with it, maybe stemming from the lack of affection in my home since the departure of my mom. It's a possibility.

These photos make me feel at's beautiful.

Sometimes, parents do have wise things to pass on.

For a complete idiot, this guy has put quite some thought into it.

The other day at work a customer recognized my eye tattoos. She pointed them out by artist [Alex Grey] and I told her I always admire people who point them out as associated with Alex Grey although I am nonetheless a Tool fan too. I briefly mentioned some of the things I admire about his work and then she mentioned an artist who works with watercolor and fine and hidden details. I didn't hear the name but then at the last minute decided to ask her to write the name down for me. I'm really glad I did. So here, I present you Daniel Merriam's work:

Fuck! I love this guy!
Just knowing that The Crow is on T.V. warms my heart. It really does. There has been multiple times where friends have told me [usually via text] that The Crow is on. Even just that makes me happy inside.

Although this is obvious...well a lot of things I say can be obvious when you gather all my random thoughts. I have realizations step by step and the eventually get to the point where I can simplify previous thoughts. So for today, it is that I rely more on vibrations rather than sound.
I also love when old people can hear better than me.
Being hard of hearing does give me some good communication skills. Amongst the few, I do a specific thing that many hearing people do not: confirmation. This is an exceptionally significant task to do in order to be a good listener/communicator.
The amazing things about ducks is that they are pair-bonded. They are loyal creatures and stay with their lover for the rest of their lives. Not too long ago I was at a park watching ducks swim. I noticed about ten baby ducks...fucking adorable! The parents were on the grass watching over their babies. What a beautiful family. It astonishes me that some creatures can be "morally" so much better than us...
I'm still not comprehending all this yet. I really forgot what it is like to be in a relationship. I'm still weary and am noticing how I have become somewhat jaded in the past year. To be affectionate, to know someone likes you and wants to be around you, to care and be cared for, to give, share, and receive compliments, as little as some people may view them, they are enormous to me.
Every time I hear "Sweet Child O' Mine" I think of Step Brothers.
A couple weeks ago I had to take my brother to a doctor's appointment. While I'm sitting in the waiting room, reading Fahrenheit 451, a mother and her young son come in. The little boy instantly comes over to me, speaking all sorts of gibberish. He's showing me his toy truck and gives it to me. Then he starts to become totally fascinated by all my bracelets. He's being super touchy and talking all sorts of excitements which I don't understand. In fact, I was more than happy not to have to say a single word to him for I didn't need to. The mother then takes a seat over to my side as he's continuing to play with my arm, while I don't mind at all. She said he's surprised he hadn't started to play with my hair yet. I told her he'll get there. He did start to notice my necklaces and then the tattoo on my chest. He tried to remove the tattoo from my skin, I thought it was adorable. My brother finishes his appointment and comes into the room amused by the fact that I have this child all up in my business while I have this huge smile on my face. I could of let him do that for quite some time. But I had to leave and give him his toy back in hopes that that it will continue to still amuse him while I'm gone. All I could think of was all the dreams of young boys I've been having [I just officially realized it is only boys I dream of, never girls]. Since I didn't quite understand what he was saying I was looking hard at him to figure out if he was special [as like a few of the kids in my dreams], but I don't think he was, although his mother was. This boy had beautiful big blue eyes and brown hair. I'll never forget him.
For some odd reason, I forgot to share this video of a hilarious paid program. The Shake Weight!
All I can fucking say is "Jerk someone off! And for free!!" I mean, look at all those positions they show you too! Jesus.

I have this wonderful book that I found while working at Savers, The Secret Universe of Names. It is seriously amazing and I don't look at it enough. So I will give you a little glimpse into this book by writing what it says about my name.
ALS: including names similar to these: Alice, Alecia, Aleshia, Alesia, Ainsley, Alessandra, Allison, Alonzo, Alica, Alicia, Alisa, Alise, Alyse.
The Aware: Creative, Sharp, Attentive, Bossy, Blunt, Self-conscious.
Over three million people in the United States have names that begin with the letters AL, and it's easy to understand why. For when the self-assured letter A combines with the lusty, lively and loving qualities of the L, it creates the vibrant phoneme associated with the words alert, altruism, alive, alluring, all right, and almighty. The addition of the softly sensual and sexy S sounds at the end of these names confers on these people their trademark air of feminine sexuality.
Even though ALSs have the native thoughness common to most A names, these are not names designed for the rough and tumble of politics or leadership. The distinctly thoughtful and gentle qualities in their names make it much more likely to find them in creative and artistic fields, particularly in areas of dance and acting.
Although ALSs tend to elicit admiration from other people with their deliberately spunky and self-confident approach to life, no one would ever accuse them of being self-absorbed or disinterested in others. On the contrary, they can be downright annoying in their pursuit of information regarding the intimate details of people's lives. Nosey? Let's just say that they consider it their duty to know everything about everyone.
The ALS's belief that knowledge is power means that they hate being out of touch with what's going on in the world. Their love for listening to the news (or is it gossip?) comes in handy in their careers, which usually include a combination of creative challenges and people-management. It's the creative side of the ALS personality that usually brings them the most attention, so whether it's writing, performing or just messing about on their computers, self-expression is ultimately the reason that they get out of bed in the morning.
It's not easy to pin these elusive creatures down when it comes to matters of romance. While some might think that this is because ALSs are overly picky when it comes to dating, it's probably more of a reflection of the ALSs' unwillingness to commit themselves to long-term arrangements without minutely dissecting all the pros and cons.
Married to an ALS? They'll probably be your best friends, your biggest fans, and your most persistent annoyances all rolled into one. But this dynamic and affectionate package will be a boon to any family, and no one could ever ask for a more intently solicitous friend, lover and parent.
Could this be any more right?! And any more Scorpionic?!! I fucking love it. This, like astrology, simplifies descriptions and thoughts I have of myself. Self expression ultimately being the reason I get up in the morning...that is probably the most beautifully true statement I have ever read. Everything I do is my artistic self-expression. It is so ingrained in me that I forget to explain it to people. I dye my hair, modify my body, wear particular clothing, etc. as artistic expression, not for attention or any such bullshit! Alluring, I've heard that a lot. Dissecting, information gathering, love for listening and knowing, not being self-absorbed, exceptionally caring and interested in others...god, I could go on with how much this astonishes me!
Next is a section about Scorpios from my bible, The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need by Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

The key to your personality is intensity. You do nothing by half-measures. Magnetic, emotional, capable of exerting tremendous force, your strength is hidden in the depths. In the sign of Scorpio the element of water is fixed, an image that suggests an iceberg or a bottomless well. You may appear impassive, sometimes unapproachable, but turbulent passions are always boiling underneath, invisible on the surface.
You live on many levels. While you present a calm and smiling face to the world, you’re ferociously persistent and extremely strong-willed. You’re also flexible when it comes to working out solutions. When thwarted, you don’t just accept defeat. You’re extremely agile when it comes to sidestepping obstacles and figuring out a dozen new ways to get to your goal. In a wonderful paradox, flexibility is one of your most effective methods of controlling situations.
Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac because of its complications and convolutions. Basically, you always have a hidden agenda. You’re someone of incredible depth and brilliance, and your inner psyche is a labyrinth of wheels within wheels, boxes within boxes. Even when you seem to be at ease and relaxed, you are always evaluating, figuring out your moves, working out strategy. Much of this has to do with control, which is what you are all about. For Scorpio to be out of control is to be in psychic danger. Nothing is worse for you than to feel swept away by outside forces. When you control you are safe. Your Scorpio evolution is the journey toward controlling in positive ways putting order into chaotic situations, being of use to others and therefore meeting an unfulfilled need, arranging your personal environment so it works smoothly for you. The unevolved Scorpio tries to control other people and manipulate situations for its own greed. Thus, as you see, the forces of light and dark continually oppose each other in your turbulent psyche.
What you need is to transmute your fervor into positive relationships and meaningful work. It is very easy to waste yourself on what is unworthy of you, and then your feelings turn inward, become imprisoned, at times even destructive. More than natives of any other sign, Scorpios live at a high pitch of emotion. Its negative aspects are brooding, jealousy, resentment, even vengefulness. The positive aspect is your unswerving dedication once your emotions are engaged. The Scorpion energy, drive, and endurance are legend. Above all, you seek to give your life a meaningful pattern, to find a deeper purpose.
You have a philosophical turn of mind and may become interested in religion and the occult. Your sixth sense enables you to intuit things before they happen. You are blessed with a native understanding of the human heart and a great awareness of life’s secrets. All the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to be psychic, but you Scorpios delve into the powers of the mind that others are afraid of. This is the zodiacal sign of birth, sex, death, and regeneration areas of human existence in which a person confronts the mysteries of the universe. Many Scorpio natives are brilliant doctors, surgeons, scientists, and spiritual leaders. Jonas Salk, Christiaan Barnard, Marie Curie, and Martin Luther are among them.
The complexity of your mind makes it difficult for you to skim the surface; you must uncover what lies beneath. Whether you are studying a new subject, learning a language, hunting down a fact, or just reading for amusement, there is a quality of penetration in the way your mind works.
Your finest attributes and your worst are revealed in relationships. With Scorpio, relationships are usually complicated. This is not surprising when you consider that you can be simultaneously generous and affectionate, violent and unpredictable; in your sunniest moods there is always a hint of an imminent change in the weather. You are deeply loyal to friends but are also intensely jealous and possessive. You cannot tolerate the thought that anyone you love might have a yearning, or

You never forget a kindness and will try to repay it handsomely. Conversely, you never forgive an injury and will wait years to get even. In fact, most of the time getting even isn’t enough you want vengeance. It is strictly not advisable to do harm to any Scorpion. You make a dangerous enemy, for you are as subtle and deadly as the symbol of your sign.
You are a fierce competitor, though often you manage to conceal this from others. You file away pieces of information, facts, and names, and don’t hesitate to use what you know if the occasion arises. When you spot a weakness in a rival, you move in quickly for the kill.
You are adaptable, able quickly to channel your formidable energies into new paths and to embark on an entirely different career. Confronted with disaster, you will try to turn it into success. Practical and shrewd, you believe in tangible immediate goals, and your singleminded concentration on getting what you want is formidable.
Clever with money, conservative about spending it, you have an excellent chance to amass wealth. In business, you tend to accomplish things first and announce them second. By the time an opponent is aware of your progress, it is a fait accompli.
Your nature makes you subject to obsessive drives that can be resistant to reason. You will dominate and control anyone who lets you. Suspicious and wary, you are reluctant to trust your heart to anyone. But once you do, you love deeply.
Too many astrologers, in describing the sign of Scorpio, forget to emphasize how loving, generous, kind, loyal, even gentle a Scorpio can be. Many idealists who adhere to high principles and are a great positive force for helping others are born under this sign.
What all Scorpios have in common is intensity of feeling. Emotion not only rules, it characterizes you. You are passionate in love, and passionate about everything in which you become involved: work, relationships, hobbies, causes. You are an individual painted in vivid colors; there is no such thing as a pastel Scorpio.
The Inner You
You have great strength, determination, and willpower. But no matter how calm and cool you appear on the outside, you’ve got a well of seething emotions underneath. For the most part, though, you keep your intensity under control by channeling it into useful activities.
You’re a high achiever, and you seem to “get” things in a flash with powerful psychic feelings you’ve learned to trust. Your instincts tell you that you’re destined to do something important and you’re not going to let yourself fail along the way. When you latch on to a new opportunity, you explore it in great depth before going ahead. Deep inside you is a gladiator spirit, and if you channel this fighting energy into positive goals (your continuing lesson), you will always be one of life’s great winners. At times, however, you feel you are a lone warrior in a harsh world. You’re a comp

How Others See You
It’s probably your secretiveness that makes people so interested in finding out what you think. You’re often the guru in a group, the one with uncanny hunches about the future and piercing insights into other people’s motivations. Many believe that even your humor contains the barb of truth. People are aware of your reputation for sensuality and fantasize about you as a lover. You’re frequently viewed as over-controlling and too ambitious even power-hungry but also as someone who can be trusted, because you never make false promises.
How to Attract Scorpio
Scorpios are noted for their unpredictability, but here are a few general rules that may serve as a guide. Listen to a Scorpio carefully with full attention. There’s no way of faking it. Scorpios always know when you’re pretending, and that will be the end before there’s even a beginning.
Remember an overriding Scorpio trait: curiosity. Never tell a Scorpio that something happened without including the how or why. If you leave that out, you’ll be classified as either dull or superficial. Neither type gets far with persons born under this sign.
They enjoy most forms of recreation, particularly water sports. If you’re the type who likes a day at the beach or to be out on a fishing boat or to take a waterskiing lesson, you and Scorpio will have that much in common. Scorpios also enjoy parties, social affairs, charity bazaars, and places where they can associate with successful people.
If you get into an argument (and you shouldn’t with anyone born under this sign), please remember to be respectful. Scorpios are proud, serious, and don’t believe that any of their opinions should be trifled with, even good-humoredly.
I want to end this epicity of a post with some excerpts from my Love Your Tree journal:
March 18th, 2010: The "Gerardi pooch" so my Aunt C calls it. The women, at least, in my family on my mother's side all have this little belly curvature. No matter how many sit-ups you do it will always be there. I know this from experience as well, so I would agree with my aunt. My mom has always had it. It will always be there and always has. I need to stop finding ways to cover it, but to embrace the damn thing that I share with my family. Love your tree.
March 19th, 2010: My body is covered in scars. This is the canvas of all my life experiences. I was a very athletic kid so many of these scars are from that. But also, I had acne while growing up, and I still deal with it actually. I always call my skin "young" because of it. Pretty much all my acne has resulted in scars. Partly because I do scar easily and partly because I have a horrible habit of picking. A lot of these scars have a story. At least some sort of recollection of a time in my life. A bookmark to a memory. I guess I should be grateful for that, while some people don't have that many "flaws" on their body which they lack in memories. Societal body images of beauty includes flawlessly smooth skin. I will never have that. It's far too late, there's nothing I can do about it. In fact, I don't want to do anything about it. The stretch marks on my hips reminds me of when I was the tallest student in my grade for several years. Gained me some advantage in sports. All the scars on my knees bring back the times where my brother, his friends, and I would ride bikes. The scars on my face give me "character" as my coworker C.S. says. Matching symmetrical chicken pox scars remind me when I never stopped itching. A combination of a scar and two freckles create a happy face on my forearm. A burn mark on my right hand from my cousin placing a hot light bulb there, looks like a birthmark now. The longest scar I have is a line running across my left calve to shin, and to this day, I don't know how it happened. The vague scar in the shape of a heart on my right wrist was something I carved there in high school. Nobody knows it's there...anymore at least. The acne across my whole back and arms have made its mark. Smooth, maybe, flawless, absolutely not. I'm scarring right now as I write this. And I will always continue to scar. This process of scarring is actually very fascinating about biology. Then why should I deny its fascination on my very skin? The capactiy to heal is a beautiful thing and I have a galleria of just that. Love your tree.
March 19th, 2010: Compliments via Grandpa T-Grandpa always said the sweetest things to me, which is really the best memories I have of him. The one that always stands out to me is when he was telling me how beautiful I was and how he loves the way I move my eyes. I've thought about this often, but it just occurred to me that he has been the only one to compliment the movements of my eyes. This is particularly special to because ever since I was a child, I was obsessed with my eyes and how I moved them...he was the only one who noticed. I still think about it to this day. Love your tree.

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