And for some Rowe-isms:
"This is like any other kinda leak you might find yourself taking. You want to take everything into account: wind direction; you know, people around you"
"Every great tool needs a good shed.""Quitting is in my DNA."
"Any time a placenta hits you on the head, you're in a dirty place.""I've never been so clean but felt so violated."
"If I ever get a business card, that's what I'm gonna put on it: "Mike Rowe, here to make things worse.""Study after study has shown that cows find me fascinating."
"I'm allergic to rocks hitting me in the face."
"Nothing lands in my lap by accident."
"Is that a geoduck in your pocket or are you just glad sashimi?"
"A man who deliberately covers himself in poo is not sexy.""Forget hoof-and-mouth disease, I'm gonna get poo-in-mouth disease."
"You had me at 'slow-growing virgins.'"
Don: "Have you thought about professional help?"
Mike: "Thought about it? I invented it."
I just had the best St. Patrick's Day I have ever had. Had dinner cooked for me, sweet Guinness, some Irish music and wonderful conversations under the starry sky. Followed by Alice In Wonderland 3D and more conversation. Life is good.

see more funny facebook stuff!
Well I have a lot to do today so I'm cutting myself off for now.
To see lush green trees in your dream, symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.
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