First of all the sleeping vitamin did not necessarily aid my sleeping, at least not like other sleep aids do. Because I woke up several times throughout the morning, but that only made me have several separate dreams. Therefore, I will be describing [the best I can] a bunch of dreams that jumbled in my mind this lovely morning. But before I tell you my dreams I want to mention the things I saw before I actually fell asleep. I don't know if any of you notice these things, when your eyes are closed in a dark, or even ligh

The first dream I had, I don't actually remember now. I knew it was short and involved at least one other person. I don't remember it because the following dreams were more epic. I believe the dream I had after that involved me at a doctors lab/waiting area. Nothing like how you would generically imagine such a room to be. It was dimly lit, metal tables, I guess it was like a science classroom but not lit well. I was there with a bunch of people. My mom, my aunt, my good friend B and her husband N. A girl from high school that I was never fond of, S. And those are the people I remember specifically, my grandmother may have been there too, but I do know there were others but possibly people whom I don't know in real life. We were all in this room for me. I had cancer. I have never dreamt of a terminal disease, or any disease for that matter. The doctor was in his room and we were just waiting for him, and preparing me to go into some machine. I'm wearing all the jewelry I usually wear, which is also something I don't normally dream about. My mentality about the whole thing is actually quite calm and not even depressed, in fact no one is really upset but my aunt and mom are undoubtedly a bit more concerned and doing their jobs as protectors to make sure everything is going right. In fact, S, should not have even been there, my lack of fondness for her was no different in the dream and she knew it. Anyways, I'm trying to take my bracelets off, because I need to get rid of all metal. I'm getting frustrated and no one is paying attention to me so finally I have an outburst. I scream something about needing help. This was quite realistic in the sense that I will bottle up emotions and very very rarely does that outburst, but it will be in that kind of fashion. As soon as I screamed, everyone circled around me trying to take of my bracelets, some pieces actually breaking. This reminded me a lot of when I was in soccer and friends would help me take them off before a game. But I was wearing a long sleeved shirt, possibly somewhat of a hospital attire, and once people would stop taking the bracelets off. I would look at my arm again and there would still be more bracelets under my sleeve. It was kind of never ending, this happened at least one other time. So most of it consisted of waiting and talking. The next thing I remember is walking around with my mom and my aunt in the lead. We are outside, the buildings kind of have a medieval era look and feel to them. Bricked flooring, dark and wet largely bricked walls, gates. I don't know where we were going but they were on a mission and I was just walking in similar attire that somewhat shows that I'm a patient but the not the obvious typical gear. And I had a sweater that I held closely to my chest the whole time. Next I remember walking through a school that I apparently attended. It was outside, there was a very large grassy lawn which had some paved roads through it and a gate. There was some sort of event being held so everyone was outside and wearing green and a lot of it was velvet green [actually not much different from the skirt I wore yesterday now that I think about it]. A guy, head of some student committee was on a microphone announcing something as I was approaching the area. He was announcing the winner of some suggestion that was used for whatever the celebration was. As he was hinting at who it was I was nearing him as well as another boy. The guy says something about the winner being a lady and then I had passed him and he changed it to gentlemen in regards to the boy approaching him. I was actually the winner of the contest, and was not completely aware of it and the whole time I am walking I am thinking to myself "I'm sick. I have cancer. I can't join you." The announcer already knew that I was the winner but because I walked past him, he could not announce it so. As I was walking away from them, I noticed all the green and realized that it was my suggestion. That is all I remember from that one.
Next dream consists of some sort of party on the streets that me and my friends were walking towards. It was city streets but much more friendly or more safe, I should say. I was going with my friend B and taking my friend M who, I think, is attending this for the first time. Apparently it is something we do often. There are just a lot of us walking through parks and streets to get to our destination. B and I were alone at one point and she said to me "I don't want M getting fucked up like last tim

Next dream involves more than I actually remember but I decided to walk into a nail salon. I just wanted my nails painted, no acrylics [which the lady didn't quite understand] and no manicure, just paint. The place was pretty busy and it was nighttime [generally places like this close early]. I had stuff cradled in my arms, at least a coat and maybe something else. This is no different from how I was in the cancer dream...fascinating. I actually have never been to a nail salon and kind of walked in there without the biggest clue as to why. Yes I decided to get my nails painted but I know I had bumped into someone, a friend or acquaintance perhaps, who got her nails done and may have told me to do so. There was some sort of rush, and absolute need for this and it wasn't for beauty. There was some deeper motive which I don't know now, nor did I really understand it in the dream. But the woman had told me that the only person who would just paint nails was busy and would be busy for awhile so I could either wait or not. I woke up before anything really happened but I think I was planning on leaving.
The final dream, at least that I remember, involved me walking somewhere. It very closely resembled my walking route to school and I was standing on the most well known and high traffic intersection in Tempe. It was a lovely sunny day out and I remember seeing green trees. I looked up and saw a billboard which had the name of someone I know. Underneath it was his work schedule for the week. It was actually like a giant chalkboard, black with white writing. The handwriting alternated for each line, some in cursive and most not. Monday through Thursday said something like 7am until 5pm and Friday said something along the lines of nothing but 3pm. I don't know the exact words written but it basically meant that he did not work but was free after 3pm. Friday was the only one in cursive. I remember being happy about this information and went on my way. Then I woke up. Took me a little delay to realize it was not real.
And for what dreammoods has to tell me:
To dream that you have cancer, denotes hopelessness, grief, self-pity, and unforgiveness. You feel you are wasting your life away. This dream also represents areas in your life which are bothering you, disturbing you, and hurting you in some emotional way.
To dream that you are being treated for cancer, signifies a positive change in your life.
To dream that you are holding or expressing anger, symbolizes frustrations and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within yourself. Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. Dreams can function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong and/or negative emotions. You have some suppressed anger and aggression that you have not consciously acknowledged.
To see jewelry in your dream, signifies your own sense of self worth and personal value. It is also symbolic of knowledge, identity, or whatever qualities you hold precious in your life. They highlight the importance of spirituality and psychological riches. A particular piece of jewelry that you own, may symbolize aspects of a waking relationship.
To see broken jewelry in your dream, signifies disappointment in achieving your goals and attaining your highest desires.
To dream that you are seeing the doctor, indicates your need for emotional and spiritual healing. The dream could highlight medical concerns and it may be time to go and get a physical check up.
To dream that you are waiting, is indicative of issues of power/control and feelings of dependence/independence, especially in a relationship. Consider how you feel in the dream while you were waiting. If you are patient, then you know things will happen at their own pace. If you are impatient, then it may mean that you are being too demanding or that your expectations are too high. Alternatively, the dream may denote your expectations and anxieties about some unknown situation or decision. There is a sense of anticipation. You are ready to take action.
To dream that you are walking with ease, signifies a slow, but steady progress toward your goals. You are moving through life in a confident manner. Consider your destination.
To dream that you enter or are in a contest, indicates the need to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. If you win the contest, then it represents your self-confidence, pride, and/or conceit. If you lose the contest, then it indicates a lack of self-esteem. You may not be fully applying yourself to the task at hand.
Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, fertility, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. Green is also symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence. Money, wealth and jealousy are often associated with this color.
To dream that you are wearing velvet, signifies distinction and honor. It also represents you sensuality and emotions.
To see or smoke a hookah in your dream, represents ease and relaxation. Alternatively, it refers to the difficulties your are facing in your waking life. You may be bottling up your emotions.
To see a street in your dream, symbolizes your life's path. The condition of the street reflects how much control you have over the direction of your life. Is there a name on the street which can offer some significance or hints to the meaning of the dream. To see side streets, refers to a need to explore and return to more traditional ways. It may also suggest and alternative way of life.
To see a city in your dream, signifies a sense of community and your social environment. If you dream of a big city, then it suggests that you need to develop closer ties and relationships. You are feeling alienated and alone. To dream that you are in a deserted city, indicates that you feel rejected by those around you.

To dream that you are at an intersection, represents a decision or choice that you need to make in order to progress forward.
To see a billboard in your dream, is a sign or message that you need to take note of in your path toward your goals. Consider what advice the billboard is trying to convey to you.
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