

Next week's topic in Courtship and Marriage is, well, marriage. I'm copying down some notes for class and came across a section about marriage contracts. So I wanted to know a bit more so I Googled it, and looked no fucking further than this. If you have ten or so minutes to spare [possibly longer while you sit there staring at your screen and think to yourself "are you fucking serious?!"], I seriously suggest reading this. It is the most amusing yet enraging thing I've read lately. I mean, there's worse things out there, definitely, and I don't necessarily oppose sex slavery, ha, but only if you choose and are complete satisfied with being so. But yeah, just read the damn thing. Not to mention I checked out the actual website, Nomarriage.com, fucking thing only pissed me off more. I hate when I'm reminded of how shitty some people that exist are.

1 comment:

Brittany Butler said...

That was totally horrible!! It made me sick. man am i lucky.