Here's my douchebagged "ink." Please click to see the full sized douchebaggetry. And if you have a good eye, you'll even notice the glitter.
Yeah, Ima hellcat!!!! Rawwwrrrr!
Today, I was talking to my brother and briefly trying to figure out some similarities/differences from our facial appearances. I ended up focusing on our eyes. And although we both have brown eyes, the details of mine are more pronounced. No photo will do the details any justice. But more importantly, as I've already known, but didn't realize how much in comparison to other people's eyes especially my brother's how reflective my eyes are. You'll see what I mean when you click on the second photo down from here. The reflectivity also makes them appear lighter and almost orangeish. I especially love the way my eyes look in the sunlight, very amber.

And the photo below is to show some awesomeness of my friend's crafts. For my last birthday she gathered and created dread beads for me which I unfortunately haven't experimented enough with. But I've been sporting them a lot lately. I love them and can't wait to have more. And it's funny that my dreads have quite some glitter in them. So those little specks you see, are the lovely light reflecting awesomeness themselves.

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