
“Everybody's Journey is Individual. The Fact That Many Americans Consider it a Disease Says More About Them Than it Does About Homosexuality.”

So tonight, now, marks the beginning of my spring break. I don't have school nor work until Monday, the 22nd. However, I am sitting at school in front of this computer. You may ask why I'm doing that. Well, it just so happens I do have some time to kill. Ha. I won't be out and about celebrating until later. And regardless, I do have school work to always be doing.

At first I wasn't going to write this post about well, the topic is homosexuality. I was going to say something incredibly personal. But I was gonna save it for another day. But just as I was signing in to check my email I noticed a news story about the very topic I've felt quite strongly about, especially today. This news article is about a girl who was planning on going to her senior prom with her girlfriend and she was going to wear a tuxedo. Guess what? The school fucking canceled the prom. I'm so fucking furious that I'm on the verge of crying right now. In this ASU computer commons, a large building shared with at least a hundred other people. I really don't want to say anything more because right now less is more...and I don't want to be ready to punch in the screen of this wonderfully expensive MAC. Not now. Not today.

But back to what originally was feeling today, after watching the Ellen show episode of Ellen coming out or cutely-non-threateningly-named "The Puppy Episode" for the second time. Strong feelings of mine had resurfaced that I'm not sure if I've clearly expressed before. As all know, I don't currently have the desire, want, or need for a relationship. A big however though, I have not explicitly realized something further until today. I do not and will not oppose joining a relationship if it involves one with a woman. So in other words, if I'm going to be in a relationship in the near future, it will be with a woman [which I do know that it probably won't end up this way]. It's not that I don't want to be with men because just like I've said before [in the link provided in this paragraph] it's not the case. I, technically don't want to be with anyone. But I do have more of a desire to be involved with a woman. And again, like in that previous post, I feel such an enormous comfort and liberation with the idea of being gay. Something about it just suits me... But to clear up if you don't know me or much about my socialization, particularly with women or anyone for the matter, I don't go out and meet people thus I have not met women necessarily that suit my fancy or that have the desirable sexual orientation. I've liked many girls and generally they are or were friends but more often than not they are heterosexual or unsure. But regardless of that, they never take me as seriously as I take them. Hence why I have not had enough or much experience with women. It saddens me, really.

If you haven't seen The Puppy Episode already, then it's your lucky day. It is separated in 4 parts, all of which are posted here.
Also, since I'm on the subject, The Day of Silence is April 16th this year, which unfortunately I do work that day. And the Phoenix Gay Pride Festival is that weekend, April 17th and 18th. I work both days also, but am going to make it earlier in the day on the 17th. HOPEFULLY. I already have a friend that is going so hopefully her and I can make some arrangements.

And oddly enough I was watching The L Word again the other night. Oh how I love thee.

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