This also reminds me that I completely forgot to mention that a great friend of mine has came up with the most perfect nickname for me. Aurora. He knows how much I love auroras and space, but it is so much more than that. Auroras are colorful and utterly ethereal [which some may say the same about me]. Aurora has the same number of syllables as my name and begins and ends with the letter 'a' just as my name does. So this makes it easier for me to hear and respond to it. Nicknames have never stuck with me, but I realize as much as I thought I wanted nicknames while growing up, essentially I really don't. Being introduced to a stranger by a name that is not mine makes me feel uncomfortable, does not feel like me, unreal. It ties in with the whole thing that I hate telling people one thing and they assume many others with that. I like people to know the whole story, see the whole picture. I'm too obsessed with details and correct information. But to conclude, I really like my name and I feel like it fits me. And I do, very much, like Aurora as well. It actually makes me happy but so long as the people using it still know my real name, I'm fine with it.
I watched Love in the Time of Cholera again last night. What an interesting movie. I wish I had the time currently to read the book. It's such a damn tease to have all these books surrounding me and I can't read them!
Oh and how I can't wait to enjoy the visual pleasures of Alice in Wonderland.

I can smell it right now. It's such a soft smell, a bit of vanilla in there somewhere. That is my weakness. It does amuse me though, how much I love scents [I couldn't begin to give you links to all the blog posts in which I've discussed this] but I don't spend money on it. But then again, I'm not really the one to spend money on a lot of beauty products. I use cheap make up, I get discounts or even just free skin care products and discounted hair colors. I can't use regular shampoo and conditioner on my dreads, so that's a lot of saved money there. So, as much as I take a great deal of pleasure in the scents, I don't find it absolutely necessary nor worth to be extravagant with especially when I have no such money to use extravagantly.
*Sigh* I want to wrap myself up in smells. Now I want to watch Perfume again.

When I first created this blog, in June of 2008, I would have quotes of the day. I really need to do that again. As well as some other things along that fashion that I want to do. It's kind of funny that I am always trying to think of ways to make this blog more interesting, when really I don't think that is necessary. I'm sure most of you loyal readers find all this fascinating enough and I provide a hell of a lot of variety. I'm sure you don't need a whole lot more to read. Ha, told ya I could talk a lot.
I really need to buy The Time Traveler's Wife. I want to watch that movie over and over and over. So, speaking of such: "I place my hands over her ears and tip her head back, and kiss her, and try to put my heart into hers, for safekeeping, in case I lose it again."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming or I'd have cleaned up a little more. My life, I mean, not just the apartment."
"I go to sleep alone, and wake up alone. I take walks, I work until I'm tired. I watch the wind play with the trash that's been under the snow all winter. Everything seems simple until you think about it. Why is love intensified by absence? "
Oh and sweet Bacon Jesus!
And anthropology at its finest. A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything:
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