Sometimes, I do love the world:

My habits run too strong. Last night I was literally soo close to saying "Nom nom nom" to my dad as I was preparing to eat some strawberries. I realized, had I actually said that to him, I would of been on the floor laughing and completely unable to explain.
I have to admit, I've been feeling a bit giddy as of late. It just kind of came out of nowhere. Kind of scares me.
I'm eternally grateful to have such wonderful friends that truly love and care about me.
My newest piercing is going alright. Still bloody, which is actually kind of odd. It bled quite a bit when it was done. But I realized this is my 13th piercing [some of which I still have and don't]. So I hope this will be lucky 13 and I won't have any problems. My body doesn't do too well with piercings, so I generally just stick with tattoos. This was rather a spontaneous act further aided by the fact that I'm friends with a piercer.

The hair coloring and washing went very successful as well. Added the lovely green that I've been dying for. It's really hard for me to not have red or green in my hair. I just hate how I get Christmas references. And to show that that never fails, a friend called me Christmasty last night. Awesome. Although I should give him some credit for noticing the new green in such dark lighting. That's sweet. Now that my dreads are nice and clean, they are also aging very well. They feel amazing and I'm really noticing their maturity or hardness if you will. I usually try to avoid the word hardness. Can't get away with it I guess. My teenage dreads are really starting to feel like dreads now. I just desperately wish they were longer.

I love the little things that make me laugh.

You are gorgeous.
Thank you so very much Zen :)
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