Take me there.
To see an old woman in your dream, indicates your concerns about aging and growing old. Alternatively, the old woman may be an archet.
To dream that you are at a spa, suggests that you need to take time out and pamper yourself. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away old secrets, pains, or guilt. It is time to let your emotions out and begin the healing process. Start fresh.
To dream that you are on a resort, represents your need for some relaxation and escape from the pressures of everyday life. You need to re-energize yourself. The dream may also be a pun a "last resort". Don't be afraid to turn to someone for help.
To dream that you are providing a service, symbolizes your willingness to share or help others.
To dream that you are giving assistance to someone, suggests that you are being called on for support, either emotional support or physical support.
To dream that you are eating dinner with others, signifies your acceptance or others. It is a time to reflect and share past experiences. It also suggests that you see everyone as an equal.
To dream that you are a guest at a dinner party, signifies enjoyable pleasures with close friends.
To see a stranger in your dream, symbolizes the part of yourself that is repressed and hidden.
If you are a woman and dream that you are in the arms of a man, suggests that you are accepting and welcoming your stronger assertive personality . It may also highlight your desires to be in a relationship and your image of the ideal man.
To see or dream that you are on a couch, represents rest, relaxation, laziness or boredom. It may also mean you need to clear you mind and thoughts. Consider also who is on the couch with you as the dream may also have sexual connotations.
To dream that you are embracing someone else, indicates that you are in need of more affection or that you need to show more love.
To dream that you are at a bar, signifies your desire to escape from the stresses of your daily life and retreat into a light-hearted environment where pleasure abounds. Alternatively, you are seeking for acceptance in some aspect of your daily life. The dream may also be a pun on being "barred" from some place or something. You are feeling excluded or held back by circumstances beyond your control.
I will actually write some overall description of my dream today. Yay! I'm not gonna get into too much detail, which is kind of an impossibility for me anyways...not giving details, that is.
Anyways, there was an old lady, she used to be famous for something when she was younger I want to say along the lines of being an artist, musician, designer/inventor of some things. It could of a been a combination of them all, but I just can't remember well enough. But I was helping her, almost like I was her assistant, but by choice, it wasn't a job or anything. I just kind of met her and then spent the rest of the dream following her around. We were in a store and there were some men there who recognized her although she looks so much different now and not nearly as beautiful as she was. She actually kind of represents a customer I helped yesterday, fucked up gray and brown long frizzy wavy hair and glasses. Another part I remember I'm at some fancy resort place where there will be a big fancy dinner held. At one point I am walking through the spa area with someone that knows the old lady very well and was informing me about her. This person says, as we are walking through this tiled room that can be completely filled with water, "she only bathes where the Gods bathe." That's an interesting line, and part of why I actually wanted to write this out. Only every so often I remember a line said in my dreams. So then we are at dinner but just kind of chilling and waiting for food and people. Although it was a very fancy place, no one was dressed up at all. I remember burping freely and not realizing that it was rude, and then who I think was actually my mom was sitting next to me and playfully smacked my arm to remind me not to do that. I think I ended up doing it again with out realizing it, once again. I remember seeing a guy across the room at another table, he was tall and had brown hair that fell around his face and ears. I couldn't help but to stare at him. And he kept noticing that I was staring but for the life of me I couldn't stop. Next part I remember is I'm sitting on a couch with someone else on the other end, I want to say I may have known that person. But I wasn't sitting all the way back so there was a lot of space around and behind me on my side of the couch. The guy that I had been staring at decided to come over and gracefully roll onto the couch and curl up right in the space behind me, without me having to move at all. He unfolded himself and was sitting upright right behind me to my right side and just slid his arm around me. And I just held his arm there. Not a single word was spoken. It was so cozy and comfortable. Next, I remember being a bar with a bunch of guys including this new stare-worthy guy. I was talking to some people and then getting a flyer or some paper and came to sit down at the bar next to the guy and we were looking at the paper, I think we were talking about the art. And that was it.
And here's something for your Valentine's weekend, from my heart to yours.
And more, as I have done in the past. I love this site. Here are some other look backs to my posts/rants towards Valentines, one here and here.

Hehe, I just made a "Valentine's Card" with these printed out for my friend whom I'm going to be spending Sunday with. I even put it in an envelope with cute heartsy red writing on it. I keep doing the evil laugh. This is fun.
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