
To Define: to Set Forth the Meaning of

And for this morning's dreams:
To see a cockroach in your dream, signifies your need for renewal, rejuvenation and self-cleansing of your psychological, emotional, or spiritual being. You need to reevaluate major aspects of your life.
To see twins in your dream, signifies ambivalence, dualities and opposites. It represents security in business, faithfulness, and contentment with life. It may also mean that you are either in harmony with or in conflict between ideas and decisions.

Yay for completely soaked socks, shoes, and pants. I actually tried to enjoy rain for once in my adult life, simply by contemplating the thought, not by action other than being forced to walk in it for a good amount of time. I don't like to complain much, but I have come to realize I dislike wet clothing when I have a destination or purpose other than getting wet. If I intend on it, than fine, it'll be fun. Otherwise I prefer wetness when I'm clothe-less.
Arizona is getting the madness that passed through California and flooded it recently. But today ends my classes for the week, it was a good first week and I must really get back into the gear of doing school related things. I've been a bad girl for some time.

What I've noticed for this week in my classes, as usual in the beginning, is the act of defining things. Although this is always the introduction to a class, this semester is different in the sense that all the things we are defining are actually incredibly difficult, if at all, to define. Especially in this day and age with everything being so vast and ever changing. Words up for definition this week include, beauty, art, leader, and family. I'm not going to get into it now, but how to define art will be one I will discuss at a later time for some of the things I have read thus far for my philosophy of art class is very interesting. I must share.

I've been having this interesting issue with my stomach lately. I constantly feel full and feel hungry at the same time. It's quite irritating and humorous, but I'm not sure if it's something serious or something that will pass.


And this...

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