I'm even unintentionally seducing men in my dreams. To sum up, there was some old friend I was seeing again for the first time in several years. [He closely resembled a band mate of an ex boyfriend of mine, whom I was not close too]. Anyways, he kept saying my name and smiling and staring at me, and hugging me but not letting go, we may have walked some distance while hugging. Maybe he was trying to get us alone since others were around. Then later on in the dream or perhaps a separate dream, there was some sort of debate thing going on with the use of visuals. My opposing team [which only consist of one man, an older man] was presenting his material while I could ask questions to see if he could actually prove a point. I was very feisty and good at it, but in the end he barely did make

a winning point which I actually admired, because it was overall, about the anatomy of the human skull. I said something about "good/beautiful job" or something to show that I did admire his work and am not a sore loser. After that I walked off that area into another room where their was some sort of conveyor belt on the ground and who knows what else [the place was anything but normal anyways, with walls and floors all painted in black]. I was on the conveyor belt doing something, because there were items on it or a way to get to certain items, I don't know. But that same man came in after me, following me. I was under the assumption that he probably hated me because of my intensity in the competition. But I was wrong, he totally wanted my nuts. He got on the conveyor belt too, talking to me in a tone that made me know that he did not hate me. There were other people around in this large conveyor belt room. Even a girl that I apparently knew passed by and whispered something to me about the guy liking me. Yet, he did something that caused us to fall down, and just like in some cartoon he fell on top of me, with my legs spread and him in between them. Missionary style, heh. Something tells me I did this on purpose, my subconscious mind, controlling the dream. I've never done that before, I'm usually always aware that I'm dreaming but never try to control the situation. I think I might of thought about that happening and it did...I still don't know for sure. Anyways, I can't remember how I reacted to it. But I know it couldn't of been anything wholly sexual since there were other people present.
So...they're everywhere!
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