
Concentrations & Distractions

The study fest begins, tonight! I've been procrastinating my ass off since Sparky's death and here the beginning of finals starts this week for me. Just finished one class, three to go. I'm so excited, my friend is going out of town for the weekend so she gave me keys to her place to hang out at while she's gone. Then I'll get to study, with style! In her fancy smancy apartment! Heh, I love being at places when no one is home. I don't snoop around, I'm not like my other Scorpio counterparts. You know who I'm talking about. I just like being alone, and if it's being alone and not at home, even better! I shall get more done that way.

I know there was a more specific reason why I started writing this post...hmmm. Well, shit. Uh, it's a full moon tomorrow though, actually it's full right now. Ohhh, I remember. I wanted to say, since I haven't written much about it recently, that I believe I have officially given up on my distraction. I've lost my energy for it. I haven't seen him in awhile either, he survived swine flu, so that's good. But yeah, I've moved on, although my heart does jump a little when I see him, I'm done.
Oh and hot showers are the best!

1 comment:

Ahab said...

Scorpio counterparts? What, like we're just pieces of a whole, like fuckin Voltron or Captain Planet? LOL