Back to seriousness [not that failblog and overheardinnewyork isn't serious] so I've been aware of my visualness, if you will. But now I realize it more on the terms of communication. I am, because of my hearing, a visual learner. I learn better in classroom setting when I see the problems or whatever written out before me, hearing them don't really get me anywhere. A simple example is when someone spells out a word to me, verbally, I'm a bit slow. Math, it is the same way, I'm not slow really with it at all but I prefer to see it rather than it to be said to me. Now, with communication, I put the pieces together. When in a face to face contact
[which I prefer anyways] I tend to sometimes take a little bit longer to process what is said to me, hence I don't get the full chance to think it through and thus say what I really want to say. It makes sense why texting and writing is so much easier for me. Because it gives me the time to view and process rather than to hear and laggardly process if at all at that moment. I've been in countless situations where I did not say things that I thought much later in the day when I actually had the time to react and process spoken information. I understand that texting is different because you have more time in general but it still cuts processing in half, or so, for me to actually see the words before me. But of course, like I tend to elaborate on, texting and written communication has a major fault, lack of bodily expression. I thrive on that, that is communication in a form of its own, in which I cherish in face to face contact. Those little expressions, gestures, movements, and acts all contribute to my ability to read through and to people. So, either way we, or I, am missing something vital. It's all very fascinating.

I really need to get back to drafting my biography on being hard of hearing.
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