Happy Left-handers Day!! It is every August 13th. The first one, in 1975, fell on a Friday and was chosen to spoof the superstitions associated with lefties.
Blogspot is contagious! I've sucked in a few people by now and it makes me happy. If I can't see you everyday, at least I can keep up with your life on here.
I've been remembering my dreams everyday, but not well enough to retell. They have been odd and making it harder for me to wake up, that's for sure. Today's dreams definitely had something to do with the
second book I'm reading. Oddly sexual and public.

should be removing the carpet from my room tomorrow, so I've spent yesterday and continuing on today, to clean my room. I have so much fucking
shit! I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm in dire need of a bigger closet. I have tons of clothes and not enough room nor hangers to put them. Next week, I'm planning on buying a couple new pieces of furniture and possibly setting up some closet organizers. Therefore, I need to get rid of some furniture in the process. IKEA visit it will be! It's gonna be a fun epic time.
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