Good news! I'm verrry close to completing a painting that I'm rather excited about despite that I've half assed part of it and now wishing that I did better on that part since the rest of it is super awesome now. Oh well, I just want it done. Polarities are good, that is clearly represented here. Picture will be up sometime.
Today was actually a good day, painted some and went to work. Work went by so fast, mostly due to me talking to my coworker about movies nonstop. We're obsessed together. Star Trek was of dominance in the conversation and I think I've decided to see it again since some parts have caught my attention and mean more now that I know additional information after seeing it already. It's funny that my brother works for Harkins and I have yet gotten a deal from that. Maybe I'll try to see it again for free.
Also my dad is leaving town for a week tomorrow, so that will be nice. I'll enjoy myself around the house a bit more, even though I'm hardly here.
I'm waiting ever so fucking anxiously to purchase Tool tickets this weekend, it's stressing me out. I'm buying tickets for several people, a few of whom I do not even know. I'm kind of doubting that will even be possible but either way it only adds to the stress. I can't wait for this to be over. Tomorrow I'll get to see my manager and see if she'll let me come in work later so I can get the tickets.
Wow, I had a lot to say. I haven't spent much time online. Mostly painting, at least during the little time that I am home.
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