
Forever Midnight

It is too bad that Midnight Sun has to come to an end. It is so intriguing, I want to know his every thought. I want to read the books side by side and compare perceptions. This is where mind reading would be helpful in real life [no intentional reference to Edward's skill]. I can see how writing that could be quite draining. But just reading it alone makes you want to know what he was thinking in other events and occurrences throughout the series, it's consuming! I enjoyed it nonetheless. I love how it opened my eyes to more things and the immense emotion it provokes. Meyer has an amazing skill for that, it's just so raw, so real. I'm still rereading the others as well. It's comical in the sense that I keep buying other books to read, not that I don't already have enough, but I keep coming back to the series. I can't seem to not read them.
In otherness [wow, that's really a word], here's a picture that conveys my exact thoughts:
I realized last night, that films bring out my obsessive traits. Cheers to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See?! I told you!!