
A Fire Inside

A week after my last post I had a startling and seemingly physically painful dream that I briefly jotted down.

I dreamt of setting up or preparing for a public event, similar to my day job of setting up blood drives. A man shot at me, trying to kill me. The first shot went through my left hand as I tried to duck onto a table. He tried again for my heart but shot my right hand that was covering it. He noticed I still wasn't dead, came closer and shot me in the heart. Each shot felt like a jolt of painful electricity. He was a mass shooter and I was one of the first victims. I dreamt this when I stayed the night on my cousin's couched. Watched NCIS earlier in the day and just before sleeping I watched part of a weird movie on Netflix called Super Dark Times. Both things I watched involved shooting, along with current events of mass shootings.

Remembering the dream now, it felt very short, but while I didn't feel overwhelming fear, I did feel the pain of the shots. This feeling I have felt before in dreams where I had been violently shot, the biggest difference was that the first shot didn't wake me up, it was the kill shot that did.

To dream that you have been killed suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions and conscience. The dream refers to drastic changes that you are trying to make. There is a characteristic that you want to get rid of or a habit that you want to end within yourself. Killing represents the killing off of the old parts and old habits. Alternatively, the dream represents feelings of being let down or betrayed by someone in your waking life. You are feeling overwhelmed, shocked and disappointed.

Another dream that I had written down, I remember less of, but it was more intricate. Here is what I wrote; 2 white candles in my hand burned grandpa's house, I grabbed as much as I could, mostly grandma's stuff. Went home after and everything burned there, made multiple trips to grab things, forgot my laptop which was hard for me. Discovered many party supplies for holiday and my birthday that mom had stashed in the basement.

The homes in this dream looked nothing like they do in real life, especially the home I grew up in. It usually is the only home I dream of and may have slight variances, but this was completely different including the presence of a basement. The 2 candles that were in my hands were serving some purpose I don't remember, the wax was dripping and the smoke was getting intense and it slowly lit some curtains on fire and then all hell broke loose. It was getting so out of control there was nothing we could do but get the fuck out. I remember being overwhelmed with feelings of guilt during the whole dream. I remember being able to get my late grandma's belongings which seem logically impossible had the house really been on fire in reality. I have a slight remembrance that my family was relieved that I grabbed her stuff. I don't have a clue why my house also caught fire, and I don't really remember what it looked like but I did go inside several times to grab things. The basement was the strangest part, all the party decor/supplies were a surprise, something I had not previously known about. Seeing these things and knowing they were there because of my mom made me happy, proud, and surprised, yet sad because they all burned in the fire. This little scene brought on the old feelings I had for my mom prior to our reconciliation in the last several years. Seeing these objects redeemed her somewhat in my mind in the dream. This dream was in February just a few days before I was going to see my mom to celebrate her birthday.

To see a burning candle in your dream signifies that good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You are in a comfortable stage in your life and may be seeking spiritual enlightenment. Lit candles are also symbolic of intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for truth.

These dreams were both quite strange and not easily deciphered as most of my dreams are. I am glad I wrote them down, but can not read too much into them as I would like.

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