
I Love When Spellcheck Doesn't Recognize "Ghettoness"

It's so late in the night [morning], but I feel so....distracted, I forgot what I originally wanted to say.
Happy, I think actually. To be honest, the laptop I work with, I've had since I graduated high school. And now it is missing a total of 5 keys on the keyboard. It's incredibly annoying and actually painful on my hands after some time. I wanted to post a picture of my ghetto laptop but I'm still having problems...hence more ghettoness.

I guess my point was, I'm feeling happy. Today, the timing and "destiny" of everything was amazing. I got offered a little on the side job in the mist of it all. It's not a career or something that defines my life, but it is something I've actually been curious and interested enough to do on the side. I will speak of it more once it becomes more official. But I'm so hyped up about it and such...but I should be able to sleep...I hope.

Whatever, despite my absolute boredom in my daily life, I'm quite happy. And very much mentally stimulated. I'm grateful. But I do need a change. Ugh, I'm going to bed.

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