
Hello Friends

I've been gone, long away from here, for long. I'll try to come back.

Life has been busy. Making changes. I've lived on my own just a little over a month now. It doesn't feel like it  yet. It's a very slow progress. I've had a lot of issues with the maintenance guy at my complex. He simply sucks. So its put a lot of my work in my place off for some time. I'm not fully unpacked. I'm not even going to explain the story. But I will say that due to the slow progression of making this place my home, I have not invited people around much at all. I know that once I get a lot more done and start showing it off and making memories there, it will feel more like my own. There are some really cool things I have done to it though, I'll post pictures later because I still want it to be a surprise to those I know that read this. [Snickula, that's you!]

I will take some time to mention some little things that I can do that I wasn't able to do before. Just whatever little things I can think of at the moment.

*Taking a shower at any time
*Watching tv/movies in my living room at a comfortable volume
*Being naked or partially naked in any room
*Staying up late without worrying about anyone
*Being hungover all day and not worrying about anyone worrying about me
*Keeping all doors open
*Blasting music any time
*Buying my own damn food that no one will take
*Drinking wine any night
*Smoking hookah in my dining area
*Painting the walls however I wish
*Having space to hang up whatever I wish
*Coming and going as I please, with no one to stop or disrupt me
*Being by myself, having privacy
*Only worrying about my own messes to clean
*Feeling more mature while paying my own bills
*Inviting people over and having a comfortable couch for them to sleep on if they need

Moments like these make me smile from time to time.

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