

I have a passionate distaste for fake flowers and plants. They only serve as collecting dust, in my opinion. I realize people use them for particular or even more "practical" reasons at times, but I still hate them. Plus, a great majority of them are just plain ugly. They become nothing but disappointment to me.

This also, forever, reminds me of a very unpleasant period of my life. Since it directly involves my mother, I do not wish to provide all the details. That's far too long of a story.

I will say that I live next to a cemetery that I hung out at a lot when I was growing up. A majority of people put fake flowers at grave sites and the cemetery routinely takes all the grave gifts and tosses them in a huge pile behind the church. I discovered this pile, which was fun to walk on but somehow depressed me. Because it all goes to trash. I cannot remember if I told my mom about this or if she randomly found it herself as well. But she spent a lot of time there...trash digging...bringing things home.
I hated it. It was the beginning of her insanity.

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