
Little Accomplishments

I'm feeling better and better about myself. I've done a lot of productive things in the last week or so.

From the To Do List, I've accomplished now:
Washing dreads
Rewrite cover letter
Send cover letter and resume to museum
Applied for general volunteering at museum
Set to receive 2 free motorcycle bumper stickers
And I guess I'm sorta blogging in the process

VNV Nation just rescheduled their Arizona tour date all the way until March, so that is out of the picture for this upcoming week.

I'm most likely going to the Faerie Festival, just gotta find out when my friends go on stage to dance.

Today I am going to do laundry.
I could still print a resume and bring it to CC

Dying dreads is still up in the air for now.
I can bring stuff to Bookmans anytime.
And I'm not going to make a doctors appointment.

This makes me feel quite nice, plus I got a call back for an interview from an application I finished two days ago!!

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