
Zoological Dreams

Before I ever forget. I had several crazy and interesting dreams. I'm only writing just a few notes to trigger my memory. First, Jon Hamm was my boyfriend. There was some odd game I was playing with him that involved me kissing him a whole lot. It was quite pleasant. Lisa Kudrow made an appearance in my dream at one point too.

Several interesting animals came about in one of the last dreams I had this afternoon.
A beautiful but odd combination of a goat and a donkey/small horse:
To see a goat in your dream represents your lack of judgment and your gullibility. Alternatively, goats are symbolic of sexuality, sexual desire, and lechery. Also consider the associations with the goat as in "scapegoat" or "getting someone's goat". Do you feel that you have been blamed for someone else's deed?
To dream that a billy goat butts you forewarns of deceit, underhandedness, and lies.

To see a donkey in your dream represents your stubbornness and unyielding personality. You are unwilling to cooperate with others. The donkey also symbolizes menial work. You may be feeling overburdened or stressed. If the donkey is dead, then it denotes that your party hearty attitude will lead to unrestrained immorality. Alternatively, the donkey is representative of the United States democratic party. Consider your personal associations and feelings about the democrats.
To dream that you fall off or are thrown from a donkey signifies separation and disharmony in love.
To dream that you are kicked by a donkey suggests that you are afraid of being caught in some illicit activity. There is a cloud of suspicion over you.
To dream that you are leading a donkey by a halter signifies your leadership in every situation and your way of convincing people to see things your way.

To see a horse in your dream symbolizes strength, power, endurance, virility and sexual prowess. It also represents a strong, physical energy. You need to tame the wild forces within. The dream may also be a pun that you are "horsing around". Alternatively, to see a horse indicates that you need to be less arrogant and "get off your high horse". If you see a dead horse in your dream, then it indicates that something in your life that initially offered you strength is now gone. This may refer to a relationship or situation. Consider the phrase "beating a dead horse" to indicate that you may have maximized the usefulness of a certain circumstance.

Another odd combination of a duck, geese, peacock, bird thing:
To see ducks in your dream represent your spiritual freedom (if flying) or the unconscious (if swimming). They serve as a connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world. Ducks are multi-talented animals in that they can walk, swim and fly. Thus, a duck indicates your flexibility and your ability to blend and adapt in various situations. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are setting yourself up or being set up for the kill as associated by the phrase "sitting duck". Are you being targeted? Also, the duck may be a pun on "ducking" some issue or situation, instead of confronting it head-on. Consider the phrase, "if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck". Some things are too obvious to deny.

To see geese in your dream represent domesticity and lifelong companionship. It may also indicate your tendency to go with the crowd. Alternatively, the dream means that you are well grounded.
To see a peacock in your dream represents spring, birth, new growth, longevity, and love. It is a good omen, signaling prestige, success and contentment in your relationship or career. Alternatively, the peacock signifies pride, confidence and vanity. You may be showing off too much or are overly arrogant with your success and achievements. A peacock may also suggest that many eyes are watching you.

To see birds in your dream symbolizes your goals, aspirations and hopes. To dream of chirping and/or flying birds represents joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
To dream of dead or dying birds indicates disappointments. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are nagging on your mind.
To see bird eggs in your dream symbolize money.
To see deformed or odd birds in your dream, indicates that you have a unique outlook and perspective on romance and love. The dream may also represent a lack of understanding in affairs of the heart.

A couple very different looking penguins:
To see a penguin in your dream signifies that your problems are not as serious as you may think. It serves as a reminder for you to keep your cool and remain level-headed. Alternatively, seeing a penguin in your dream suggests that you are being weighed down by your emotions or by a negative situation. You need to find some balance and inner harmony.

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