
You Wino

What is it about wine? Really? Why do I like it so much?

The funny thing about all this is, I never wanted to drink. I never ever fancied it. Never wanted to try it for good. But then I did, really late, my 18th birthday.

And I liked it.

However, before I ever did, before I turned 18, I said this on many occasions: "If I were to ever drink, I would drink wine."

There was this beauty, this comfort, this awe that I got from wine before I ever, ever understood it, or alcohol, for that matter.

There's numerous factors to this whole process, however.

As a forewarning, this is all a flashback. A trace-back to memory of the younger me, the one who never had an interest in drinking and speeding the decay of the human body. Obviously, I feel the need to present this and defend this at the same time. The reason being that, I was young, I have changed, and also times have changed. Not only that, but there are still traditional views I hold, and a hell of a lot that I do not. There was something better I wanted to say BUT! I forgot... because....

This blog post is not only about wine, but being written while I have been under the influence of wine. So hey! Watch my mind float, and drift, and disappear. [That's essentially the whole fun of this post, really].

That said, I may have to make another, later, post in continuation of this, while I am sober to either correct some facts or add some because I often forget things...in general and when I'm just overall excited...or intoxicated. Let me put this in clear print...
THERE WILL BE ANOTHER POST FOR THIS: either to clarify and/or add and/or change and/or subtract and/or whatever the fuck I want. That's the beauty of my own blog. However, I do apply so many rules to myself, ones of which I don't actually regret, but there is a difficulty of remaining anonymous and so much else.

If you knew me well, you can notice the sporadic style of this writing [or particularly, talking], or if you didn't know me you may still notice the same. Either way, it seems very different from my "normal," my "usual". But really, I am enjoying the fact that I can dwell on the fact that I can tell you I'm writing this while drinking, so I'm going to enjoy the depths of just that. In addition, I'm the type of person, intoxicated, drunk, or sober, that I thoroughly enjoy the interaction and contact with other human beings that it brings out a really "obnoxious" side of me. So I tend to break from traditional styles of conversing and/or writing. Obviously 'obnoxious' is actually incredibly subjective. Everyone has their breaking points, and everyone has their moment of true hatred of one another. So, let's, I'LL, get to the point:

Wine glasses: I've always had an immense fascination with them. I think they are beautiful. Not only by themselves, but especially in the hands of humans, especially beautiful humans. Really, it all makes a difference. They have this grace, this gorgeousness, this flow, the aesthetics, that is permanent. Something that has been there for, what, ever?! It's long-standing, and beautiful, and quite fucking effective form, shape of a piece of glass. Who would of ever thought how much appeal would be involved in that whole process. Obviously, with the warning of this post, there will be another post to emphasize and describe this all "so better"

The next factor is: Red, red, red, red, and fucking red. The color of wine is so absolutely beautiful, and so amazingly sexy...and please trust me that these last several words are actual sober thoughts, not drunk words. Red, is my favorite color, and on the most seriously level, it's not just a 'color' to me. Red is the essence of everything and anything. Obviously this can be interpreted in a blood level, which is partially the point, but that combined with just the sole feeling that I've always found it sexy, something more, something dark.

As a whole, you have to combine both of these factors I've mentioned, but there's more!

Wine....my father was an alcoholic, in ways that weren't easily interpreted as so. [Reasons to be explained at a later time]. Anyways, he drank Merlot, a lot gin and tonic, and a couple other drinks, all of which I eventually and now favor a lot. Should I also mention that my father has been in Alcoholic Anonymous for at least 8 years? I've been, very much, influenced by my father's...and mother's, and grandfather's...and whoever fucking else's drink preferences. Maybe? Really, I seem to only see a preference in commonalities between my father and I because we were around each other at the same time. I made his drinks all the time, and I also took sips of those drinks. Not only did I love my father, I still do, and I respect him, so the association and commonality stays strong,

I also, while home, made these drinks for him. I obviously had no interest in drinking, but I appreciated the drink, made it, and always tasted it, and brought it to my father.

As I said, there's so much more, but I got to at least name the features, the small-off-the-top-of-the-head-features that I had.

Oh how juvenile this all sounds...the sad thing is, I wouldn't sound much different had I been sober. I respect and enjoy "immature" vocabulary so much more. My best friend assured me that we will, in fact, never grow up, especially because of this video.

Point being that, as much as I value and appreciate "adult vocabulary" or "grown up vocabulary" or even "fucking people that are fucking smart" words/vocabulary, you don't always have to be that way. There's so much more, to the scene, to your family, to your friends, to your love, to your mind, to your ash, to your dust. It really depends, and really, it doesn't matter. However, it does vary, and people chose to like you based on that or not. I know I do. To confess, I really, absolutely hate stupid people! I do.

So, to end this post no differently than I started it, I should say that I don't care, and I'd read to end the night as it is being present ...but not necessarily as I want it.

More to come...........................................oh yeah...................................................

But! I should also say that, ending this post is a mistake, because, at the least, I do have more to say AND.......there's so much more...DDDDDNNNNNNAAAAAA!!!!!

I've also been called a "wino" on so many occasions, I don't care to repeat now, but that was one of the major points to mention in this post tonight.

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