
1500th Post: Epic Photo Fest!

As a little special for the 1500th post, I've decided to combine the 6 phototastic events that have gone on in the last 3 months. In chronological order I will be presenting you photos from my best friend's birthday, another couple of friends' birthday, my cousin's birthday, Grover's birthday/Muppetfest, my recent trip to San Diego, and finally some murals along Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix. I am leaving the Fetish Ball event photos out of this post, because the epic make-up process for that deserves its own post.

My best friend's 23rd birthday held at Geisha A Go Go:

Prior to heading to the restaurant, we attended open house at our high school and ran into an  art teacher who was only a student teacher when we attended high school.
Mother and daughter.

Greenie came along too.

We have way too much fun together.


A joint birthday party for a couple of friends at The Shout House, another crazy night:

I'm always being a creeper and saying the most inappropriate things.

More creeper photos....

Creepers and a photobomber. Yesssss.

A kinda funny, kinda glamorous photo.

Happy birthday!!

My cousin's 23rd epic party fest starting with a BBQ, seeing a Scottish Pirate Metal band called Alestorm, and then heading to the bar:

Mmmm meat!

Model boys.


Someone lit a hat on fire...and no one did anything about it until the bartender left to get water.

After many tries he wanted to lick my eye...and  he definitely wins at being a creeper.

Yay a sober picture of my brother!!

Hello strangers!

Free back rubs!

Next up, is a celebratory party for Grover's birthday, a Muppet themed party. A Muppetfest, if you will: A bit more explanation to the party here.
Creeper time!

Probably one of the funnest characters I got to dress and act like...especially act.

Super Grover, our host!
Got some stuff in muh beard!!! Agggghhhhh!

This awesome Great Dane our friend was fostering.
Miss Piggy is a wittle swleepy.

The great thing about this photo is that we're both making creepy faces.
This is when we discovered a perfect position for my face to look most like the Muppet, Animal.
And this is where it goes downhill...

Watching The Muppets.

I'm glad I captured this moment.
Bad things are about to happen to Kermit.

A few of us decided that we should go around and take "normal" photos while  I hang out in the background and be a creeper. This is where it started and I managed to make people laugh too hard. Unfortunately we took several more of these with the host's camera. I have yet to get a hold of those photos.

The host had us write a bunch of stuff on this table cloth on why else we should celebrate that day. You may notice in the biggest writing it says "TO BE A CREEPER!" Yes, I wrote that.

San Diego trip:
Finally arrived and are quite ready for real food.

Oh sweet water!

I am friends with a maniac.
This photo is awesome because just before we took it, I was getting ready and then a wave came in and got my whole backside wet.
Say ello to my parachute shirt.

Entering the pier.

Fish guts.

Still not used to the "colder" weather.


We came prepared.

The "kitchen". Hehe.
The Ale House has to warn you that you don't have to go on for much longer.

21+ stamps.
The firehouse next to the.......

She's a shanker.
The Ale House had an awesome balcony/patio on their roof, known as the Sky Bar.
Beer samples! All of which I was mostly disappointed with. So sad.

A serano chili appears.

She ate the chili and nearly died.
Luckily their Oktoberfest was delicious.
Four straws. Yes, we all drank that at the same time.

We played Go Fish.

View from our hotel door, just a block away from the beach.

 Never found a parking meter quite like it.

Awesome Californian Mexican food. Mmmmmmm.

She spilled on herself...
And made the funniest face that still makes me want to roll around and laugh.
Fancy building.

The water was quite cold for him.

I was concentrating too hard that I forgot to smile.


These things looked sparkly from the distance. They're actually super tiny shells. I was thoroughly fascinated.

On our way home.


Good thing I got it on the first try...

Sexy black Charger is heading our way.

"Mural Love" at the Grand Avenue Festival: I helped out a friend while she worked at her new property, Oasis on Grand, at the Grand Avenue Festival. There was a map of the murals off of Grand Avenue and her sister and I walked around and photographed them. Later on there was a really interesting band that performed on the property. I'm going to briefly name off the murals, but if you're really interested, use the information I provide while looking at the map [this is the larger version]. I must also warn you, and prevent confusion, the photos display the order in which I decided to find the murals, thus they do not coincide with the order listed on the map.
This mural is #4 on the map, "Nerd Monster" by Luster Kaboom
These next few photos are of #3, "Journey of Garlands" by Beatrice  Moore.

Here is an extremely large mural, listed as #2. "Peace and Diversity"  by Ray Rivas.

These series of photos all line an entire small parking lot, #1 on the map, that resemble a recycling theme.  These works are done by several artists: Serc, Page, Stoec, Ekose, Brez, Alphen, and Bisk.

These monsters are located as #5 on the map. "The Jungle" by Luster Kaboom.

This is #6, "Jesus Saves" by Francisco Enuf Garcia. The great thing about this mural was the illuminated halo around the figure. I took this photo during sunset which was setting exactly perpendicularly to the left of this photo/mural. I had to ask my friend if that was the painting or just the sun. It was kind of bizarre, but neat.

This awesome building can be located on the map as #11. "Blue Ooze" by Luster Kaboom.

The child's head on the dumpster was done by El Mac.

This is "Triclops" also by Luster Kaboom, #10.
This parking lot is #9, these photos are of "Funny Faces" by Luster Kaboom. However I didn't capture the other works that lined the other faces of these walls.

This mural is probably my favorite, #8, stretches across the whole lot wall. This also displays works of several artists: Francisco Enuf Garcia, Albon Fernandez, Edgar Fernandez, ave chee, and Jeff Slim.

This was the last mural, #7, that I did not get great photos of due to the fact that it was getting darker outside. This was painted by Sentrock, Noel Bartel, and neighborhood kids.

Now here are photos of the band, Treasure Mammal. They came dressed in basically bike suits, full body suits with random designs and were super shiny. Many of the photos are blurry mostly due to the fact that the band moved constantly. It was so ridiculous and so freaking fun to watch. I only took photos so you could at least catch a glimpse of what they looked like, and you can definitely tell how much they move. The music was also very interesting, lots of geeky amusing lyrics. Definitely check out their stuff in the link provided.

If you check out these next photos in larger view you will notice some shiny objects in the guys' hands. These were shake weights. They had a shake weight song. It was freaking awesome! For the whole song they just danced and shook the shake weight crazily and in many inappropriate positions. Nonetheless I liked them.

The band along with some of the workers formed a train.

THE END!!!!!

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