
You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

That I don't know who any of you are.

I'm discovering more and more that I have quite an extensive and intensive reader base. Yet I haven't heard a word from you guys. I don't even know if any of you voted on the poll I had up over a month ago. I'm only precisely aware of the handful of my closest friends that read this blog. Aside from that I only have Google Analytics to give me statistics of my audiences. I know regions and timings. I'm all for respecting anonymity, obviously. But I want something, anything. Because considering these high numbers, it would actually be quite delightful if I could create some form of income from my blog but without changing the content of course. I may have said it before, but I'm not really interested in having advertisement on this blog. That really clouds the artistic and aesthetic look that I put some much time into.

I just don't know what to do, but I would like to hear from you. Things like what draw you to this blog. Why do you read it? When do you read it? How often? Have you drawn other people into reading it? Do you think it has potential to be commercially recognized despite my gibberish and sometimes inconsistent grammar that reflects my moods?

I even had my email address available for a couple months, but I don't think anyone noticed, or at least never used it. But I'm a bit weird about privacy so comments will have to do and we can go from there.

Like I said, something, anything...

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

awwww S, you know i'll comment whenever I can...in fact, I haven't been commenting on many blogs at all lately, but I always enjoy your blog..I didn't know you had your email addy out there...
No matter what, you always intrigue me and stimulate my brain...