
Oh What Fun it is

Well here I am, alive 23 years later than birth. This age amuses me because when I was still a teenager, a majority of my friends were just turning 23. So I'm here now, it's odd but cool. I'm never one to be weird about "getting older" but my obsession with numbers themselves is what usually becomes of any interests to me. I also feel like I'm not so much the baby of the group because 23 just doesn't sound as young as 22 or 21. It's silly, I know, because regardless, I'm still the damn baby in the group. I guess I should admit that I like being exceptions to just about anything. It makes me feel special, and being the young one as I have been for several years now and also even being the only girl in various groups is always nice. Because you know what, I'm awesome!!

I'm sure you're all aware of that by now, heh. But I wanted to thank those who have wished me a very fond happy birthday and in advance to those that will.

Last night for celebration the boyfriend made me some epic tacos [which I loveee], bought me a wide range of alcohol to accompany whatever mood I may have been in [being wine], and some other good stuff if you know what I mean [I hope you do], and a midnight countdown at my favorite bar of which I have been a regular at for all my 22nd year [it was sweet]. And now today, due to excitement and my overactive mind I didn't sleep at all before my alarm was set to go off when I had already decided I was ditching my first class just to sleep in. I eventually decided to ditch school all day and sleep because I knew that starting today I will be overwhelmed with excitement and exhaustion, so might as well prevent it as much as I can. Tonight I have some dinner and drinks with one of my best friends and then we go to see A Perfect Circle of where I will run into a couple more friends. Same thing the next night. For the third, I will see A Perfect Circle with the boyfriend and the next day is my actual birthday party. This is going to be soooo freaking fun! I just have to keep some of my mind in reality for I do have an exam this upcoming Tuesday that I have been trying to study early for. I'm not exactly sure why I'm describing my plans, maybe to make up for the silence that will probably occur here after this moment due to all the craziness and I'm sure my mind will still be scattered enough when I try to blog that I don't want to have to explain any of this. So, here's to the next 4 days! Hope all is well with you guys, enjoy some good humor.
I wish I was divorced just to do this

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