[approximately] 28posts away from the big 1000!
This is probably the only thing I like about Easter. Yes, those right there.

I'm learning about the Inquisitions in my witchcraft and heresy class which reminds me of something completely off topic. Every time I hear the word inquisition I think of 40 Year Old Virgin. When Steve Carell's character is being bombarded by one of the other character's girlfriend and says, "Who the--Who the fuck are you to put me on trial? I've never even met you. So why don't you back the shit off, all right, and stop with the inquisition?"

I find it really fascinating how sex is so associated with evil, with the bad especially in pre-modern times. Sex orgies with Satan are often described when talking about the activities of witches and other so called heretics.

My friend told me this joke the other night which just still continues to crack me up. Read it out loud, it does it more justice: A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender yells, "We don't serve your kind here!" The mushroom says, "Why not? I'm a fun guy." Hehe.

I am gradually knowing more and more the fact that I have a great appreciation for higher pitched sounds. Generally that of vocals and instruments. For example, on the piano, the higher range notes please me more. An old friend often played the piano for me and helped me understand better my audiogram which explains my range of hearing. The interesting thing is that those high notes tend to hurt the ears of the hearing, whereas they don't do so to me. Most sounds don't hurt my ears, if anything loud girls and crying babies hurt me but that's more in my mind than my ears. But pianos, in general, make me incredibly happy. Electric guitars that wail in the higher ranges usually provoke me to tears. Men and women alike that can sing really high do just the same.

Red is such a distinct color. It is all its own. Recreating it is a challenge. If you do something wrong or if it fades it is easily characterized as either pink or orange and sometimes violet. This will be further reason why I love red so much. I understand that other colors, green for example, is amazing because it has so many shades, tints, hues. But this is what makes red unique and I am embracing it. Red is rich. Red is absolutely and utterly sexy. Red is raw. Red is passionate. Red is in your face. Red is hard to ignore. Red is intense. Red is vital. I am red. Red is me.

There are phone services/numbers for the hearing and there are phone services/numbers for the Deaf. What about me, Ms. Inbetweener?

A recap for the horoscope of March: The planets are helping you communicate in an effective, even poetic manner this month. Those born October 24-28 could be hearing resistance where there is none, but those involved with fire signs could have a riotous month. You're communicating most effectively around the New Moon-a great time for stating the facts.
Poetic, definitely. And as for the Scorpios in April:
Spring has sprung and your appetite for new experiences and personalities is sharpened. But tread with care-Venus and Mars would love to connect you to some inappropriate folks this month. Say "I'll think about it" rather than an outright yes.
I can see that happening.
Well now I gotta go run some errands including getting my Census form. Because I, do, want to be counted.
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