Taxes finally got done. This is the worst financial year yet. I owe the country 5 dollars and the state owes me 18. Jesus!!!
However in better fucking news my car got fixed. My dad has been meaning to change the oil and tighten a belt and fix a piece holding that belt [which apparently fell off]. This has been causing my car to squeal and become rough while taking turns of any sort. It has been stressing me out a lot lately because of the way it feels, I thought it was my brakes. My car has a wonderful history of brake problems and I wasn't ready to admit that because I don't have the money to put towards that. But it's fixed and there is no more retardation when I'm turning, so I feel much relieved.
I hate spring training and all those fuckers that take up all the parking at the public library and leave at the same time as I'm trying to head to work.
I had this thought in my head for over the past months, and I may not mean it to its extreme now, but. I wish I didn't have these bite bruises. I carry you around with me. It bothers me that much, what you did to me.
Just about complete with the financial process now. I'm always really happy to have that out of the way.
Another drunken note to my phone based off a realization during a conversation with someone last night. The other person doesn't even remember what it is we talked about but my memo says "I know everybody wants." I mean I have an idea what I am referring to, but I just wish I remembered the specific conversation. At first I thought it was a typo and I meant to say "I know what everybody wants" but maybe I just forgot to finish the thought. The only thing I have a feeling this is about is that I can read people and I know what they want. That's the only residual post-drunk thoughts that are circulating this.
I have an Ed Hardy fake tattoo on my chest. It's awesome because I had glitter there already so now the tattoo enclosed the glitter to my skin. So, I have a sparkly Ed Hardy tattoo. Douchebag much? I think so.
Well I'm about at least halfway done with my big paper that is due tomorrow. Well technically I'm in the 5 page mark so I can end it whenever I choose, but I do have more to say.
I always have more to say.

All of the things going on in the world.... And quite frankly I don't think 50 bucks cuts it. Definitely doesn't compensate for the ignorance I see here.
I hate people

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