So the Vagina Monologues. Fucking awesome!!! I wish I could of sat a little closer for they did not have microphones, but regardless it was so awesome. I want to go every year now. I feel like a dumbass for missing it thus far. I still need to buy the book, I really enjoy Eve Ensler's writing. I higggghhhhly suggest you read it, see the play, or watch the video. Please! There's a shitload of videos on youtube of various sections of the play done by all sorts of people, so there are multiple ways you can experience the awesomeness of the vagina! Ha! The lovely girls and guys of the ASU cast and crew did a great job and I thoroughly enjoyed their performance. It was so real, so good that it was all equally provoking. I nearly cried and definitely laughed until I cried as well. The funniest part definitely was the display of female moaning. They were so accurate, and I don't mean just by the acting quality, but by the different types of moans for the different types of activities and different types of people. I've definitely found myself doing many of these and damn, it was fucking awesome! [Count how many ties I've said "fucking awesome." Yes, it was really that good]. Sitting there, in the audience, women to my left and men to my right I've never felt like I had a vagina so more than in that moment. It was quite odd, talking about vaginas and at least two thirds of the audience all has one. It's like I felt exposed in some way I have never felt, but it was good. Just a strange but great experience, the whole thing. My pride in my vagina has only become stronger! To the vaginas! ({})
If you haven't seen or heard about this yet, you have too. Make sure to watch the video as well.
You are Juan Antonio or Javier Bardem, from Vicky Cristina Barcelona, to me. That is what you remind me of. And that is the same odd appeal you have to me. So many things remind me of you, of this strange magnetism, but this is definitely the most accurate. The way you look at me. The way your face looks. The way your lips move. This distance you hold. The hard to read aura and facial expressions.
This is also a good reason I don't have to see you anymore. You always equal trouble.
And it's never worth it.
This is also a good reason I don't have to see you anymore. You always equal trouble.
And it's never worth it.

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