My slightly intoxicated self wants to set up a Facebook account. But really, I don't need one. I use my cousin's. I really, considering all the goddamn links I post here, already have enough interweb addictions. I like how that phrase sounds like, "hello, I have enough internet porn to look at." When really, that's not the case at all. And it's not even the 'intoxicated self;' the more I have been logging into facebook the more I am getting shit for "hey, get your own!" I consider it, and then instantly destroy that idea. Over and over again. Ideally, I'd like to sign up and privately have my own account, but soon enough I'll only add one person daily until every single person I know is either following me or I'm following them and it'll be that damn process of internet annoyances all fucking over again. I don't want it. And I know as much as myspace annoyed the shit out of me, facebook will only be 29571905 times worse. So, I'll keep that as a reminder. Like I always tell people when they ask me if I have a myspace or facebook, "I do real life." Yeah. That's how it is.
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