Blaming global infectionfor the illness in himLittle knowledge of the non-affectionbetween him and his kinOld, grey, bitter, anxious and collapsedLike a wallflower once bloomingWithered to apparent deathBlaming the guiltCrying the tearsTorture the painLeaving the emptiness behindApparently he had no reasonTo harbour the trustHe'd forsaken inside.Apparently he left his reasonsForsaken the trustthat harboured withinWalk, I cannot walkFor I am blind, blinded I amBy the pitch of dark, so dark is itThe narrow street, never ending narrowClogs my throatSilently I try,Try to walk, blinded by the pitchThe narrow darkness, clogs the streetI am speechlessI am speechlessFear puts a rush on my stepsAs I stare into the spinning depthThe end is not near the sight that I am hoping forAnd all the light that paves the way for meIs the wish and will for the end to seeThe bright light is the end of the black light district-"Black Light District" by The Gathering
This post is going to have a lot of too much information, some of which I will repress.
This morning I remembered a majority of my dream which hasn't really happened at all the past week or so. I've been remembering little parts or barely even that. I wake up and abruptly think of other things that have been consuming my mind for far too long. These thoughts have been easing somewhat and therefore I'm remembering more of my dreams again. I do not wish to describe most of the dream except for one little part. I had my tongue split like the
Lizardman. I know this creeped into my dreams because I do have a friend that has his tongue like that. I had a different friend in the dream [whom I don't recognize from reality] who also had a split tongue and him and I were in some sort of grocery store in which a old woman noticed my tongue and made a comment and I said something about my tongue not being split as far down as my friends. Pretty funny.
I want to see the film
Jamón, jamón another one with Javier Bardem. That bastard. Oh! and
Mouth to Mouth!!! Fuck.

I'm completely and utterly voyeuristic when it comes to kissing. I have kind of talked about some aspect of this in previous posts, usually referring to the quality of kissing in Hollywood films and how much they annoy me. For the most part, more so if the kisses are actually more realistic, I still find a lot of pleasure in watching them in film. To be honest, film like that, especially when I was younger was my porn. What I'm about to say may seem a bit of a contradiction but I guess to be honest, I'm still figuring it out what it is about kissing to me. But I find kissing to be very intimate and personal, however it's not really hard for me to kiss others or I may even not expect more involvement with a person after kissing

them. Yeah, alcohol has been involved but when it really comes down to it, it's hard for me to stop a kiss. If it actually does manage to land on my lips, I may end it short, but I pretty much will never stop it right away. And I have also noticed that I tend to make the move more than 50% of the time. I have kissed a few people I have not necessarily been serious about, which may be common to some people but at the same time I've always viewed kissing as a big deal and generally taken seriously in which I have the means of wanting to be further involved with that person. Well, to sum up my realization of this specific thought: those who I initiate the kiss with are those that I do have at least some serious likeness or desire for them. Those whom I have kissed but did not initiate the kiss may or may not be of any interests to me . It's 50/50. And regardless of the interests or lack thereof, I'm addicted to kissing. I can do it forever and I

get a lot of compliments on my kissing. Another thing about kissing is that it is a complete necessity for me. I cannot go on to other forms of foreplay with out it. That is if I'm initiating the sexual act, which is generally what I am doing if I am kissing someone. When I'm involved with someone, kissing is not
just kissing to me. Oh no. Well, needless to say, I love it.
I gotta say, I miss Virgos in bed.
I guess this will also be related to this rather sexual post. Hedonism. I love the word. Love the meaning. I guess I would call myself a selective hedonistic. As in, of course, I don't hedonistically explore the so called wonderful world of drugs or other such extreme things. However, I do enjoy the senses as I have explained ov

er and over again. I do enjoy tasting great foods and drinks. I do enjoy a majority of sensual and sexual pleasures. I've noticed with my experience with people that I tend to be more sensitive than others they may have been with. Usually my first response to such a statement is that I don't take things like that for granted. People would enjoy things more [sexual or not] if they wouldn't take so much in this world for granted. Best be attuned to your body and the experiences you have with it.
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