Daily Squee
Acting like animals
Cute overload
My cute animals
Cute things falling asleep
I want all the animals, now! That last link is probably going to be my ultimate weakness. I cannot keep my composure when any animal or person is drifting off to sleep. It affects me severely. I also realized I really enjoy watching people and animals sleep.
Being sensitive to vibrations has its curse. It causes me to become easily annoyed with people who tap on tables or objects in which I am also touching. I pretty much always give that person the evil eye. This is most annoying at school.
It takes me longer to process spoken words. Hence, my lack of skill in debates.
I keep forgetting to buy me one of these.

The other day I saw one of these. For the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pretty funny stuff.

I was thinking, one day, that I am always stimulating my brain. I constantly desire it and need it and do it without always being directly aware. Which led me to also think that as I get older, I will continue to do that constantly. I don't ever want to stop.
No offense, but I hate how a lot of songs that are actually about God can be completely interpreted as love songs. I still hope. I love love songs! Although some of my interests in them has waned lately, it still stems deep in me. ....that's what she said.
I want to go see The Vagina Monologues. Which will be at ASU for the first weekend of March. Who's down? Tickets are 12 bucks for students and 15 for non-students. I definitely want to go, just don't know my work schedule yet. Also, if you're interested in that kind of stuff, check out Guerrilla Girls as well.
The weird thing is, I can't even bring myself to cry the past few days. Only Avatar and good music has been successful.
I'm desperately craving some body modification. And pain.
A good friend of mine does tattoos for free for friends, and I have yet to take him up on it.
I am an ultimate finder. If people lose things, I'm always the best to help you find it, or usually, already know where it is. My spatial memory does me and my friends [particularly male friends] a lot of good.
It's been too long since I've had sushi...Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I must really be hungry, because for once thisiswhyyourefat.com is actually making me want food instead of wanting to puke.

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